Курс грамматики с Максимом Ачкасовым

Данная программа по изучению английской грамматики является бесплатной, рассчитана на учащихся с уровнем Pre-Intermediate (ниже среднего) и выше. Курс включает в себя видео уроки и упражнения на каждый день программы.

Грамматика за 180 дней

Есть возможность пройти курс грамматики английского языка на среднем уровне (Intermediate) онлайн.

Что для этого нужно?

- Прослушать не менее 90% всех уроков;

- Выполнить не менее 90% всех заданий (с уровнем правильных ответов не ниже 70%);

- Выполненные задания размещать в форме для комментариев (можно под своим именем или “ником”, главное их не менять);

- Делать самостоятельно (без ответов или чьей-либо помощи);

Что вы получаете?

- Видео уроки;

- Упражнения;

- Проверка работ и комментарий от преподавателя;

- Сертификат [PDF] (при успешном завершении курса);

Сколько стоит?

- Бесплатно

Преподаватель оставляет за собой право дополнять или изменять материалы.


Day 1. Present Simple [Exercises]

Day 2. Present Continuous [Exercises]

Day 3. Present Simple or Present Continuous [Exercises]

Day 4. Past Simple [Exercises]

Day 5. Past Continuous [Exercises]

Day 6. Present Perfect [Exercises]

Day 7. Present Perfect Continuous [Exercises]

Day 8. Present Perfect Simple or Continuous? [Exercises]

Day 9. Past Perfect [Exercises]

Day 10. Past Perfect Continuous [Exercises]

Day 11. Future with "will" [Exercises]

Day 12. Future Continuous [Exercises]

Day 13. Future "(be) going to" [Exercises]

Day 14. Future Perfect [Exercises]

Day 15. Future plans with was/were going to

Day 16. Past Simple or Continuous?

Day 17. Four basic tenses

Day 18. When with Past Simple and Past Continuous


Day 19. Personal Pronouns [Exercises]

Day 20. Reflexive Pronouns [Exercises]

Day 21. Possessive Pronouns [Exercises]

Day 22. Demonstrative Pronouns [Exercises]

Day 23. Interrogative Pronouns [Exercises]

Day 24. Reciprocal Pronouns [Exercises]

Day 25. Pronoun "there" [Exercises]

Day 26. Relative Pronoun [Exercises]


Day 27. Introduction to Articles [Exercises]

Day 28. Pronunciation of Articles [Exercises]

Day 29. Definite article 'the' [Exercises]

Day 30. Indefinite article 'a' [Exercises]

Day 31. Types of nouns used with article 'the' [Exercises]

Day 32. Types of nouns used without articles [Exercises]

Day 33. The use of articles with institutions [Exercises]

Reported speech

Day 34. Introduction to reported speech [Exercises]

Day 35. Tenses in reported speech [Exercises]

Day 36. Change of pronoun, place, time [Exercises]

Day 37. Words of order, request and advice [Exercises]

Day 38. Yes or No questions [Exercises]

Day 39. Wh- questions [Exercises]

Day 40. Words tell and say [Exercises]

Day 41. Verb patterns [Exercises]


Day 42. Introduction [Exercises]

Day 43. 0 conditional [Exercises]

Day 44. 1 conditional [Exercises]

Day 45. 2 conditional [Exercises]

Day 46. 3 conditional [Exercises]

Day 47. I wish & If only [Exercises]

Day 48. Mixed conditionals [Exercises]

Passive voice

Day 49. Introduction [Exercises]

Day 50. Tenses [Exercises]

Day 51. Modal verbs [Exercises]

Day 52. Gerund and infinitive [Exercises]

Day 53. Reporting verbs [Exercises]

Day 54. To have somebody do something [Exercises]

Day 55. To have (get) something done [Exercises]

Day 56. Link to the past [Exercises]

Day 57. Supposed to and meant to [Exercises]

Infinitives and gerunds

Day 58. Verbs + ing form [Exercises]

Day 59. Verb + infinitive form [Exercises]

Day 60. Verb + object + infinitive [Exercises]

Day 61. Difference in meaning with infinitives and gerunds [Exercises]

Day 62. Make, Let and Allow [Exercises]

Day 63. 'I saw your plane arrive/arriving' [Exercises]

Day 64. Infinitives + would rather [Exercises]

Day 65. Gerunds with need and can’t help [Exercises]


Day 66. Adjectives with -ed/-ing endings [Exercises]

Day 67. Order of adjectives [Exercises]

Day 68. Comparative forms [Exercises]

Day 69. Superlative forms [Exercises]

Day 70. Comparative structures [Exercises]

Day 71. The more ..., the more ... [Exercises]

Day 72. Gradable and ungradable [Exercises]

Modal verbs

Day 73. Introduction [Exercises]

Day 74. Present ability and possibility [Exercises]

Day 75. Past ability and possibility [Exercises]

Day 76. Future ability and possibility [Exercises]

Day 77. Making a guess (Present) [Exercises]

Day 78. Making a guess (Future) [Exercises]

Day 79. Modal perfect [Exercises]

Day 80. Mistakes in the use of modal verbs [Exercises]

Day 81. Obligation with must, have to, have got to [Exercises]

Day 82. Prohibition with can’t, not allowed to, must not [Exercises]

Day 83. Lack of necessity with needn’t, don’t need to, don’t have to и haven’t got to [Exercises]

Day 84. Advice and warning [Exercises]


Day 85. Introduction [Exercises]

Day 86. Defining relative clauses [Exercises]

Day 87. Non-defining relative clauses [Exercises]

Day 88. Omitting relative pronouns [Exercises]

Day 89. Participle clauses (general rule) [Exercises]

Day 90. Participle clauses (reason, result, condition, time, sequence) [Exercises]

Day 91. Comment clauses with which [Exercises]

Day 92. Infinitive clauses (infinitive + to) [Exercises]

Day 93. Wh- clauses [Exercises]


Day 94. Introduction [Exercises]

Day 95. Prepositions on place (in, on, at) [Exercises]

Day 96. Prepositions (under, below, over, above, on top of) [Exercises]

Day 97. Prepositions (next to, by, beside, near) [Exercises]

Day 98. Prepositions (in front of, opposite) [Exercises]

Day 99. Prepositions (between, among) [Exercises]

Day 100. Prepositions (into, out of, onto, off) [Exercises]

Day 101. Prepositions (along, through, past) [Exercises]

Day 102. Prepositions of time (at, in, on) [Exercises]

Day 103. Prepositions of time (in, within, by, until) [Exercises]

Day 104. Prepositions of time (for, during) [Exercises]

Day 105. Prepositions (by, with) [Exercises]

Day 106. Prepositions (as, like) [Exercises]

Day 107. Prepositions (at / in the end) [Exercises]

Day 108. Prepositions (on / in time) [Exercises]


Day 109. Introduction [Exercises]

Day 110. Irregular adverbs [Exercises]

Day 111. Adverbs of frequency [Exercises]

Day 112. Adverbs after verbs [Exercises]

Day 113. Comparison of adverbs [Exercises]

Day 114. Stronger and weaker comparisons of adverbs [Exercises]

Questions and word order

Day 115. Indirect questions [Exercises]

Day 116. Indirect 'yes' or 'no' questions [Exercises]

Day 117. Question tags [Exercises]

Day 118. Subject questions [Exercises]

Day 119. Words 'so' and 'neither' [Exercises]

Day 120. Contrasting statements [Exercises]

Day 121. Words 'both of' and 'neither of' [Exercises]

Day 122. Basic word order [Exercises]

Day 123. Word order (Subject + Verb + Object + Object) [Exercises]

Day 124. Word order (SVOMPT) [Exercises]

Day 125. It as a subject of a sentence [Exercises]

Day 126. Words 'so' and 'such' (Part 1) [Exercises]

Day 127. Words 'so' and 'such' (Part 2) [Exercises]


Day 128. Singular and plural "unuasual" nouns

Day 129. Singular and plural nouns with the same form

Day 130. Collective nouns

Day 131. Noun News

Day 132. Pronouns one/ones

Day 133. Word both

Day 134. Pharses another one / the other one(s)

Day 135. Possessive nouns ('s)

Day 136. Reflexive nouns (Part 2)


Day 137. Lack of obligation

Day 138. Article "the" with groups and nationalities

Day 139. Articles with media

Day 140. Orders, requests, advice with negatives in reported speech

Day 141. Comparative forms with “such” и “as”

Day 142. Contrastive comparison

Day 143. Comparatives with “less” and “least”

Day 144. Comparatives with -ed

Day 145. Prepositions: in school or at school?

Proceed to the list of Grammar lessons.

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