Изменение времени глаголов в косвенной речи английского языка

В этом видео мы рассматриваем то, как меняются времена английского глагола при переходе от прямой (direct speech) к косвенной (reported speech) речи.

Материал для изучения
Прямая речь Косвенная речь

Present simple

"I work for Google".

Past simple

He said he worked for Google.

Present continuous

"I am working on the project".

Past continuous

He said he was working on the project.

Past simple

"I finished the project".

Past perfect

He said he had finished the project.

Past continuous

"He wasn't telling the truth".

Past perfect continuous

He said he hadn't been telling the truth.

Present perfect simple

"I have finished the project".

Past perfect simple

He said he had finished the project.

Present perfect continuous

"I have been working on the project".

Past perfect continuous

He said he had been working on the project.

is/are/am going to

"I am going to stay".

was/were going to

He said he was going to stay.

Most modal verbs (e.g. can, will, must, may)

"I can't think of anything more".

"I will come".

"I must stop".

could, would, had to, might

He said he couldn't say anything more.

He said he would come.

He said he had to stop.

Но нужно так же отметить, что не все формы глаголов меняются. К таковым относятся - прошедшее совершенное (Past perfect) и модальные глаголы - could, would, should, mustn't.

Обратите внимание на примеры:

"I had done the project before". - He said he had done the project before.

"We could also go". - They said they could also go.

"I should try better". - He said he should try better.

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