Последовательность прилагательных в английском языке

Choose the correct option (A, B or C)

1. The office building is __.

A. large and grey

B. grey and large

C. large grey

2. We live in a __ cottege.

A. large and grey

B. grey and large

C. large grey


A. They rode on a red, old Russian bus.

B. They rode on a Russian, old, red bus.

C. They rode on an old, red Russian bus.


A. I've got three good reasons why I don’t like playing computer games.

B. I've got a good three reasons why I don’t like playing computer games.

C. I've got good reasons three why I don’t like playing computer games.


A. She likes that really big red old antique table.

B. She likes that really big old red antique table.

C. She likes that old, red, really big antique table.

6. His parents live in the __ house in Fastov.

A. little blue, green and white

B. little blue and green and white

C. little, blue, green, and white

7. We went for a ten-day cruise on a __ sea liner.

A. incredible brand-new, huge Ukrainian

B. incredible, huge, brand-new Ukrainian

C. Ukrainian incredible, brand-new, huge

8. I bought a __ coat.

A. new, nice, blue rain

B. nice new blue rain

C. blue nice new rain

9. She was surprised to be presented with a __ puppy for her birthday.

A. little, cute, nine-week-old Terrier

B. cute nine-week-old little Terrier

C. cute little nine-week-old Terrier


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