Asking for and giving directions

Asking for directions

  • Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to ____?
  • Excuse me, do you know where the ____ is?
  • I'm looking for ____
  • Is this the right way to ____?
  • Is this the way to ?
  • Can you show me on the map here?
  • How do I get to ____?
  • What's the best way to ____?
  • Where is ____?


  • Yes, sure.
  • Yes, certainly.
  • Yes, or course.
  • Yeah, no problem.


  • I'm sorry, I don't know.
  • I’m sorry, I’m not from here.
  • I’m afraid I can’t help you.
  • Sorry, I don’t know much around here.

Giving directions

  • The easiest way is to…
  • The quickest way is to…
  • The best way is to…
  • Go straight on ____ Street.
  • Go along ____ Street.
  • Go down ____ Street.
  • Follow ____ Street for 300 metres / until you get to (reach) the church.
  • Turn left / right into ____ Street.
  • Take the first (or second, third) turning on the right / left.
  • Take the first / second road on the left / right
  • Go past the cinema.
  • Go along the river.
  • Go over the bridge.
  • Go through the park.
  • Go towards the supermarket.
  • Go up the hill.
  • Go down the hill.
  • Cross ____ Street.
  • Turn back.
  • Go back.

Pointing location

  • The ____ is opposite the church.
  • The ____ is between the church and the pet shop.
  • The ____ is on/at the corner.
  • The ____ is in front of the church.
  • The ____ is behind the church.
  • The ____ is next to the church.
  • The ____ is beside the church.
  • The ____ is near the church.


  • First
  • After that
  • Then
  • Next
  • When you get to ____ go ____
  • Finally

Other phrases

  • Follow me. I’ll show you the way.
  • Do you want me to show you this on a map?
  • It’s just around the corner.
  • It’s not far.
  • It’s a bit of a way.
  • It takes a while.
  • It’s about a five minute walk.
  • It’s about a twenty minute bus ride.
    For a driver
  • Stay in the left / right lane.
  • Turn right at the next street.
  • Get in the right lane.
  • Go one more block. Then turn right.
  • At the next traffic lights turn ____
  • It’s going to be on your right.

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