Present Simple or Present Continuous Упражнения по грамматике

A. Complete the sentences with the use of Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. The class (start) ___ at 8 o'clock.

2. Vanya often (wear) ___ a black shirt.

3. I (meet) ___ my old friend in a business club tomorrow.

4. My friend (move) ___ house next week.

5. My birthday (be) ___ in October.

6. Valya (not / ride) ___ her skateboard right now.

7. We (not / stay) ___ at the hotel tonight.

8. I (not / like) ___ beer.

9. They (not / know) ___ the answer to this question.

10. I (not / sit) ___ in the car at the moment.

11. When (arrive / the train) ___?

12. (visit / you) ___ Lyusya in hospital today?

13. What time (get up / she) ___ in the mornings?

14. Why (cry / Klava) ___ now?

15. (swim / they) ___ in the sea at the moment?

B. Complete the sentences with the use of Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. I (live) ___ in Kyiv.

2. This weekend, I (visit) ___ my friends in Zhytomir.

3. The train to Fastov (leave) ___ Kyiv at 6.50 in the morning.

4. In the early afternoon, we (want) ___ to go on a sightseeing tour in Odessa.

5. In the evening, we (go) ___ to a concert by Dzidzio.

6. The concert (start) ___ at 9 p.m.

7. I (come) ___ back to Donetsk on Sunday.

8. My train (arrive) ___ in Lvov at 9.50 in the evening.


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