Курсы английского языка для детей

Программа обучения включает в себя навыки разговора, письма, аудирования и чтения. Кроме того, отдельное внимание уделяется изучению грамматики и расширению словарного запаса.

Английский для детей

В целом, предлагаемые курсы для детей, ориентируются на требования, предъявляемые международными экзаменационными центрами такими, как Cambridge ESOL Examination, к тем, кто проходит у них тестирование. Основная задача данного подхода состоит в том, чтобы постепенно и планомерно помочь детям подготовится к сдаче международных тестов (KET, PET, FCE, IELTS и др.) и развить уверенное использование иностранного языка, как в обучении, так и в работе в будущем.

Подготовка к KET (Key English Test)

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Objective: Key - Student's Book Objective: Key - WorkBook

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Программа обучения

Материал для изучения
Topic Grammar Vocabulary
Unit 1 Friends
1.1 Friends for ever
1.2 Borrow this!
Present simple: be, have
Questions in the present tense
Personal possessions
Exam folder 1
Unit 2 Shopping
2.1 for sale
2.2 Shopping from home
How much…?
How many…?
some and any
Shopping and shops
Exam folder 2
Unit 3 Food and drink
3.1 Breakfast, lunch and dinner
3.2 Food at festivals
Present simple
Telling the time
Adverbs of frequency
Food and drink
Dates (day and month)
Writing folder 1
Unit 4 The past
4.1 A real adventure
4.2 A mini-adventure
Past simple
Past simple: short answers
Past simple + ago
Units 1-4 Revision
Unit 5 Animals
5.1 Going to the zoo
5.2 An amazing animal
Lists with and
Conjunctions and, but, or, because
Collocations with do, make, take and spend
Exam folder 3
Unit 6 Leisure and hobbies
6.1 Theme park fun
6.2 Free time
Comparative and superlative adjectives
Comparative adverbs
Leisure activities
Descriptive adjectives and adverbs
Exam folder 4
Unit 7 Clothes
7.1 The latest fashion
7.2 Your clothes
Simple and continuous tenses Clothes
Adjectives to describe clothes
Writing folder 2
Unit 8 Entertainment
8.1 A great movies
8.2 Cool sounds
Modal verbs 1: must, have/had, may, can, could Films, music
Units 5-8 Revision
Unit 9 Travel
9.1 Holiday plans
9.2 Looking into the future
The future with going to and will Travel
Exam folder 5
Unit 10 Places and buildings
10.1 Inside the home
10.2 Famous buildings
The passive - present and past simple Furniture, rooms
Colours, materials
Exam folder 6
Unit 11 Sport
11.1 Living for sport
11.2 keeping fit
Word order in questions
Verbs in the -ing form
Sport and sports equipment
Writing folder 3
Unit 12 The family
12.1 Family tree
12.2 Large and small
Possessive adjectives and pronouns
Subject, object and reflexive pronouns
everything, something, anything, ect.
People in a family
Units 9-12 Revision
Unit 13 The weather
13.1 Sun, rain or snow
13.2 Weather problems
(not) as…as
enough and too
Exam folder 7
Unit 14 Books and studying
14.1 Something good to read
14.2 Learn something new!
Position of adjectives
I prefer / I’d like
School subjects, education
Exam folder 8
Unit 15 The world of work
15.1 Working hours
15.2 Part-time jobs
Present perfect
just and yet
Work, jobs
Writing folder 4
Unit 16 Transport
16.1 Journeys
16.2 A day out
Modal verbs 2: must, mustn’t, don’t, have to, should, need to, needn’t Transport
Collocation with transport
Free-time activities
Unit 13 -16 Revision
Unit 17 Science and technology
17.1 Totally Techno
17.2 New ideas
Infinitive of purpose
The infinitive with and without to
Collocation with get, give, have, make, see, watch
Exam folder 9
Unit 18 Health and well-being
18.1 Keeping well!
18.2 A long and happy life
Word order of time phrases
First conditional
Parts of the body
Exam folder 10
Unit 19 Prepositions ofand communication
19.1 Let’s communicate!
19.2 Different languages
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of time
Countries, languages, nationalities
Writing folder 5
Unit 20 People
20.1 Famous people
20.2 Lucky people
Review of tenses Describing people
Unit 17 - 20 Revision

Занятия проходят индивидуально и в группах, где количество детей не превышает 6 человек. Уроки обычно проходят по 90 минут два раза в неделю.

Objective: Key

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