Настоящее продолжительное Present Continuous

В этом видео мы рассматриваем основные функции настоящего продолжительного времени английского глагола (Present Continuous): действие, происходящее в момент разговора, временное действие в настоящем, запланированное действие в будущем, тренд или тенденция, выражение раздраженности, описание картины / фотографии.

Форма глагола

Материал для изучения
Утверждение Отрицание Вопрос
I am working I am not working Am I working?
You are working You aren't working. Are you working?
He, she, it is working He, she, it isn't working Is he, she, it working?
We are working We aren't working Are we working?
You are working You aren't working Are you working?
They are working They aren't working Are they working?


Когда мы используем настоящее продолжительное время, то предполагаем незаконченное или незавершенное действие.

Present continuous is used:

1. to describe an action that is going on at the moment of speaking:

- You are watching this video.
- You are studying English grammar.

2. to describe an action that is going “around now”:

- Are you still working for the same project?

3. to describe an action that is a trend:

- More and more people are learning English.

4. to describe an action in the future, which has already been planned:

- I'm meeting my friends tonight.

5. to describe a temporary event/situation:

- She usually plays the piano, but today she's practicing the violin.

6. to describe annoying repeated actions (with "always, forever, constantly"):

- Vasya and Klava are always arguing in public.

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