Построение простого аргумента

Пример конструкции простого аргумента, который можно использовать в ответе на вопрос о личном мнении человека.

Материал для изучения
English Русский
Wow. That is a very interesting question. О. Это очень интересный вопрос.
Let me think about it. Дай мне подумать.
Ok. From my personal point of view … is very important. Хорошо. С моей личной точки зрения ... очень важно.
Why? I have three reasons. Почему? У меня есть три причины.
Firstly, I believe that … Во-первых, я считаю, что ...
Secondly, in my opinion … Во-вторых, на мой взгляд ...
Finally, … is important because … Наконец, ... важно, потому что ...
In conclusion, I want to say that … В заключение, я хочу сказать, что ...

Пример ответа:

Is studying a foreign language important today?

Wow. That is a very interesting question. Let me think about it.

Ok. From my personal point of view studying a foreign language is very important. Why? I have three reasons.

Firstly, I believe that learning a new language helps us develop our linguistic and communicative skills.

Secondly, in my opinion good knowledge of a foreign language opens some very interesting and attractive work opportunities.

Finally, acquiring another language is important because it enables people to communicate with foreigners directly without an interpreter while they are abroad.

In conclusion, I want to say that learning a foreign language is a very important thing in today’s world.

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Comparative Adjectives (01)

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