BEC Higher Topic examples for speaking test (part two)

Для тех, кто готовится к сдаче экзамена BEC Higher - подборка тем из второго раздела разговорной части экзамена.

Advertising: How to advertise a new product effectively.

Advertising: How to identify the best advertising methods for a product.

Advertising: The importance of stereotypes in advertising.

Advertising: How to select a suitable agency to handle a company's advertising.

Business planning: The factors involved in deciding whether to relocate a retail business.

Business strategy: How to maintain the confidence of company shareholders.

Career development: The importance of being willing to make long business trips.

Communication skills: The importance of foreign language training for selected employees.

Communication: How to achieve an effective working relationship between different departments within a company.

Company structure: The benefits to an organisation of employees working together in teams.

Company growth: The importance to a company of controlling expansion.

Corporate culture: The importance of all staff understanding the corporate culture of their company.

Corporate culture: The importance of keeping all staff informed about possible developments in an organisation.

Corporate culture: The importance to an organisation to encouraging a spirit of innovation.

Customer relation: How to set up an effective customer services system.

Customer relation: The importance of a company of reliable customer opinions of products.

Customer relation: The importance of making customers feel valued.

Customer service: The importance of getting customer feedback.

Distribution: The importance of ensuring that goods reach the purchasers on time.

Finance: The importance of making accurate sales forecasts.

Finance: The importance of the role of the external auditor in financial management.

Finance: How to decide whether to float a company on the stock market.

Financial management: How to decide on the budget for training.

Financial management: How to identify ways of reducing costs in a company.

Financial planning: The factors involved in deciding on appropriate pricing strategies.

Global strategy: The importance of global presence.

Health and safety: How to develop a responsible attitude among staff to Health and Safety requirements in a company.

Health and safety: How to ensure that all employees are following health and safety guidelines.

Human resources: How to approach internal recruitment.

Human resources: How to encourage ethical behavior from employees.

Human resources: The importance of ethics in today’s business world.

Information management: The importance of an effective internal communication system in a company.

Information management: The importance of keeping staff informed about company policies and plans.

Information management: How to ensure that information is managed effectively within a company.

Marketing: How to promote an imported brand.

Marketing: The importance of advertising slogans in promoting a brand of product.

Marketing: How to ensure that agents maintain a high level of effectiveness when representing a company.

Market research: The importance of finding out about customers' habits and attitudes.

Meetings: The factors involved in chairing meetings efficiently.

Operating systems: The factors involved in implementing change in a traditional organisation.

Personal skills: How to motivate employees to achieve their full potential.

Personnel management: The importance to a company of having well-motivated staff.

Product development: The factors involved in deciding when to withdraw a product from the market.

Project development: How to ensure inter-departmental co-operation on new projects.

Project management: The importance of teamwork for the effective management of projects.

Project promotion: How to make effective use of the media when promoting a new product or services.

Purchasing: How to achieve and maintain good relations with all suppliers.

Purchasing: How to evaluate and select new projects.

Purchasing: How to select a suitable supplier.

Purchasing: How to ensure that a company’s suppliers consistently meet delivery deadlines.

Quality control: The importance to a company of monitoring the quality of its goods and services.

Recruitment: How to ensure that job advertisements attract appropriate applicants.

Recruitment: How to fill a key vacancy.

Recruitment: The importance of having a good CV.

Recruitment: The importance of recruiting from a variety of sources.

Recruitment: How to prepare appropriately before interviewing a selection of job applicants.

Sales: How to monitor the performance of sales staff.

Sales: The importance of reassuring customers about the security of the Internet transactions.

Sales: The importance of developing schemes to maintain customer loyalty.

Sales: How to ensure that price levels for new products are set appropriately.

Staff management: The importance of assessing staff performance effectively.

Staff development: The importance of a company in developing effective career plans for staff.

Staffing: The factors involved in attempting to retain trained staff.

Strategic planning: How to decide whether to purchase or rent company premises.

Technology: The factors involved in assessing the cost-effectiveness of new technology.

Time management: The importance of planning work time effectively.

Time management: The importance of punctuality in all aspects of work.

Training: The benefits to a company of encouraging staff to attend training courses.

Training: The importance of allowing junior staff to attend trade fairs.

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