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Dear Mr (Mrs / Ms / Dr) Akritov,

Hi (Hey / Hello) Kolya,

Dear Nikolay,


Previous contact

Thank you for your e-mail of...

Further to your last e-mail,...

I apologise for not getting in contact with you before now.

Thanks for your e-mail.

Re your e-mail,...

Sorry, I haven't written for ages, but I've been really busy.

Reason for writing 

I am writing in connection with...

I am writing with regard to...

In reply to your e-mail, here are...

Your name was given to me by...

We would like to point out that..

Just a short note about...

I'm writing about...

Here's the... you wanted.

I got your name from...

Please note that...

Giving information 

I am writing to let you know that...

We are able to confirm that...

I am delighted to tell you that...

We regret to inform you that..

Just a note to say...

We can confirm that...

Good news!



Please find attached my report.

I am sending you ... as a pdf file.

I've attached...

Here is the...you wanted.

Asking for information

Could you give me some information about...

I would like to know...

I am interested in receiving/finding out...

Can you tell me a little more about...

I'd like to know...

Please send me...


I would be grateful if you could...

I wonder if you could...

Do you think I could have...?

Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.

Please could you...

Could you...?

Can I have...?

I'd appreciate your help on this.

Promising action  

I will...

I will investigate the matter.

I will contact you again shortly.


I'll look into it.

I'll get back to you soon.

Offering help 

Would you like me to...?

If you wish, I would be happy to...

Let me know whether you would like me to...

Do you want me to...?

Shall I...?

Let me know if you'd like me to...

Final comments 

Thank you for your help.

Do not hesitate to contact us again if you require any further information.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My direct line is...

Thanks again for...

Let me know if you need anything else.

Just give me a call if you have any questions. My number is...


I am looking forward to...(+ -ing)

Give me regards to...

Best wishes


Looking forward to...(+ -ing)

Best wishes to...

Speak to/See you soon.

Bye (for now) / All the best

More phrases:

She got a reply – she received a reply / response
At a time that is good for you – at your convenience
I’m looking forward to hearing – I look forward to hearing
I’m writing about the advert in – I am writing regarding / in connection with the advertisement in
  I’d like the chance to – I would welcome the opportunity
Think about – consider
Talk about – discuss
To start – to commence
I’m sorry – please accept my sincerest apologies
Get well soon – I wish you a speedy recovery
To go over the word limit – to exceed a word limit
Please send this email to everyone – please circulate this email to
To make sure – to ensure



Hi Alex,

How are things with you? Long time, no hear! Did you get the promotion you were after? Hope so! Anyway, the reason I'm writing is to ask a massive favour. I really, really need your help with my article for the in-house magazine - can you check the grammar and tell me if it's ok? Also could you look at the style and improve it where you think it's too formal? And let me know if you find any other mistakes! Thanks a million in adance - I'll owe you one!

As for me - I'm fine! Because of some cuts, I have to work twice as hard for the same money. But I still love it here in New York. I'm meeting some great people, and really learning a lot.

Because I'm the new kid in the block, everyone's taking good care of me!

Well, that's all for now. Let me know how you're getting on in Rome!

Best wishes,



Hi Anita,

Well, I wish I could say that I was having a wonderful time! For a start, it was a mistake to come here in the peak holiday time. It’s so crowded. And the second thing is, I wish I weren’t with my sister. She’s driving me mad. She always wants to go shopping and I’d rather we went for long walks along the cliffs. If only you’d come with me instead, it would’ve been so much better.

She never lifts a finger. I do all the cooking, cleaning, everything! It’s time she grew up and stopped acting like a baby. I don’t know what to do because I don’t want to have a row with her. Supposing you were with us, what would you do?

Oh well, from now on I’m going to do what I like. I’m not going to have my holiday ruined by her!

Lots of love!


Формальное письмо

Letters objecting to someone's plans

I am writing to express my concern /disappointment / alarm at hearing ...
I was extremely alarmed/sorry/distressed to hear about your plans to ...
As I think you know, …
May I point out that …
I feel I really must object to ...
I am extremely concerned at the thought that ...
It must be very clear that ...
If these proposals go ahead, ... will happen.
Another threat to ... , if these proposals go ahead, would come from ...
I dread to imagine what damage this will cause.
May I respectfully suggest that you ...
I was wondering if you had considered this alternative?
Would it not be possible to ... ?

Letters of complaint

I am writing to complain about ...
I am writing to tell you how disappointed/annoyed I feel about ...
I was amazed/distressed/horrified to find that ...
As you must realise, ...
I am sure you know that ...
I am sure you can imagine ...
I am sure you will appreciate that ...
It goes without saying that ...
At the very least, I look forward to receiving ...
Unless you ... , I am afraid that I will have to take this matter further.

Letters of recommendation

I am writing to you on behalf of ...
I have known X for ... years.
She / He has shown herself/himself to be extremely ...
X would seem to fit the requirements of this job perfectly.
I have no hesitation in recommending X as a ...

Letters to the editor

I am writing about the article on ... , which appeared (in last night's paper).
I am writing with reference to the article you published (in last month's issue).
I have just read your article on ... and I feel I must ...
You raised some issues which I feel strongly about.
At the start of your article, you appear to claim that ...
I am afraid I totally disagree.
I am completely in agreement.
I am sure readers will agree with me when I say that ...

Other phrases

On behalf of everyone, I send you best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Please accept or sincere apologies for any distress this situation may have caused you.
You may have overlooked this payment, but we ask that you give it your prompt attention.
Please confirm in writing if you wish to accept this offer and when you will be in a position to commence work.
Ms Atkinson is currently involved in a project which might be of interest. She will be in contact soon to arrange a meeting.
If you could forward the details of the English course, I would be most grateful.

In compliance with your request …



Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in connection with a recent visit to your hotel (10-13 March). My wife and I stayed in room 387. Unfortunately, our otherwise enjoyable visit was spoilt by the loss of some articles from our room during our stay. The missing items are one blue silk skirt and a digital camera.

This loss was reported immediately upon our discovering it to the receptionist who, in turn, contacted the duty manager. The duty manager promised to look into the matter and let us know the outcome. We made sure that he had our home address, phone number and email address, as we were returning home that day.

We have not been contacted by anyone from the hotel as yet regarding this matter, which I find unacceptable. Moreover, until we know whether the items have been found or not, we cannot make an insurance claim.

We look forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Dr C.R. Atkinson


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in response to your advertisement for a sales assistant, which appeared on Jobline yesterday.

I am attaching you a copy of my curriculum vitae, which provides details of my qualifications and experience. As you will see, I worked in a similar business last summer, which I enjoyed enormously.
I am available for an interview at any time convenient to you.


I am writing to recommend the one-month business course on which I was sent recently.
Not – I am writing to recommend the one-month business course where I was sent on recently.  


This is the area of research on which he is working.
Here are some new statistics in which you can have confidence.
This is a theory for which there is little support.
Is this the person with whom you entered into correspondence?
The editor to whom she sent her article has replied.

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