Английские идиомы в деловой лексике

Английская идиома: get a word in edgeways

get a word in edgeways

Join a conversation in which another is speaking continually and leaving little opportunity for others.

Английская идиома: up and running

up and running

If a business or a plan is up and running, it has started and is functioning successfully.

Английская идиома: start from scratch

start from scratch

To start from scratch is to begin from the beginning, to set out on some action or process without any prior preparation, knowledge or advantage.

Английская идиома: run out of steam

run out of steam

Run out of energy. The allusion in this phrase is clearly to steam engines which gradually slow and then stop when the fire that powers the boiler is too low to produce steam.

Английская идиома: get down to the nitty-gritty

get down to the nitty-gritty

The heart of the matter; the basic essentials; the harsh realities.

Английская идиома: learn the ropes

learn the ropes

Learn something new. A nautical term, from the days of sailing ships when new recruits had to learn how to tie knots and which rope hauled up which sail. After which of course they would know the ropes.

Английская идиома: for a song

for a song

If something goes for a song, it is sold at an unexpectedly low price.
"I was able to buy the car simply because it going for a song."

Английская идиома: by and large

by and large

On the whole; generally speaking; all things considered. Many phrases are wrongly ascribed a nautical origin just because they sound like mariner's lingo.

Английская идиома: below the belt

below the belt

An unfair, underhand tactic. The rules were updated later and eventually superseded by the Marquis of Queensbury Rules in 1867, which form the basis of the rules for modern day boxing.

Английская идиома: win-win


The term win-win refers to a situation or proposition where both or all parties benefit from the outcome.

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