In – в / внутри (He is in the car. Also - in Japan / in hospital / in the newspaper / in the book)
On – на / на поверхности (The book is on the table. Also - on the floor / wall / ceiling / on the page 20 / on a train / plane / bus)
At – используется для указания точного или приблизительного расположения чего-то (We were at the concert. Also - at the top / bottom / end of; at the office / station / meeting)
Упражнения к этому урокуПредлоги
Предлоги места "in", "on", "at"
Предлоги места "under", "below", "over", "above", "on top of"
Предлоги места "next to", "by", "beside", "near"
Предлоги места "in front of", "opposite"
Предлоги места "between", "among"
Предлоги движения "into", "out of", "onto", "off"
Предлоги движения "along", "through", "past"
Предлоги времени "at", "in", "on"
Предлоги времени "in", "within", "by", "until"