1. Обведите ошибку в каждом предложении. Напишите предложение правильно.
1. I’ll definitely will go on vacation this winter. _____________________________________
2. We will move probably house again. _____________________________________
3. I’ll don’t think he’ll become a teacher. _____________________________________
4. I won’t I think apply to college. _____________________________________
5. I won’t probably visit my friends tonight. _____________________________________
6. She’ll probably will get a good job. _____________________________________
7. We’ll not definitely go on vacation this year. _____________________________________
2. Напишите слова в правильном порядке.
1. I / go / college / definitely / will / to _____________________________________
2. think / get / job / a / don’t / will / I / new / I _____________________________________
3. become / doctor / probably / will / She / a _____________________________________
4. won’t / weekend / the / I / on / definitely / work _____________________________________
5. thinks / he / vacation / on / He / will / go _____________________________________
6. movies / They / go / probably / won’t / the / to _____________________________________
7. sure / Ukraine / move / I’m / he’ll / to _____________________________________
8. probably / dog / They / this / will / a / year / get _____________________________________
3. Обведите ошибку в каждом предложении. Напишите предложение правильно.
1. We’ll probably won’t go out for a pizza. _____________________________________
2. She will start probably studying later. _____________________________________
3. I’ll will definitely finish this tonight. _____________________________________
4. They’ll not probably buy a house. _____________________________________
5. I won’t I think have a coffee, thanks. _____________________________________
6. I won’t definitely buy those sneakers. _____________________________________
7. He’ll not probably get married. _____________________________________
4. Напишите слова в правильном порядке.
1. become / lawyer / He / probably / will / a _____________________________________
2. probably / dinner / We / out / go / won’t / for _____________________________________
3. on / think / vacation / I / go / I’ll _____________________________________
4. that / definitely / won’t / Dad / buy / car _____________________________________
5. I’ll / don’t / live / think / Zhmerinka / I / in _____________________________________
6. get / sure / he’ll / I’m / job / that _____________________________________
7. cycling / on / probably / Saturday / We’ll / go _____________________________________
8. Kolya / definitely / married / to / I’ll / get ______________________
5. Напишите P (Plan/Планирование) или O (Offer/Предложение).
1. I’ll make you some coffee. _____
2. We’re going to go on vacation. _____
3. I’ll help you pack. _____
4. I’m going to read my book. _____
5. I’m not going to watch this movie. _____
6. We’ll cook dinner tonight. _____
7. We’re going to go dancing. _____
8. We’ll take you to the concert. _____
6. Напишите планирования или предложения. Используйте be going to или will.
1. I / learn / to drive (plan) _____________________________________
2. I / lend / you my bike (offer) _____________________________________
3. We / give you a ride / to the airport (offer) _____________________________________
4. We / go out / for dinner (plan) _____________________________________
5. I / buy / some new shoes (plan) _____________________________________
6. I / book / the tickets (offer) _____________________________________
7. We / play / football (plan) _____________________________________
8. I / help you with / your homework (offer) _____________________________________
7. Обведите P (Plan/Планирование) или O (Offer/Предложение).
1. They’re going to visit Japan. P / O
2. I’ll pick you up from school. P / O
3. I’m going to watch TV. P / O
4. We’ll do the shopping. P / O
5. They aren’t going to take a taxi. P / O
6. I’ll call your mom. P / O
7. We’ll meet you at the airport. P / O
8. I’m not going to play football. P / O
8. Напишите предложения. Используйте слова в скобках.
1. I / go / on vacation (going to) _____________________________________
2. I / lend / you / my eraser (will) _____________________________________
3. They / buy / the tickets now (going to) _____________________________________
4. We / help / you / pack (will) _____________________________________
5. He / play / tennis Tomorrow (going to) _____________________________________
6. We / go / to the movies (going to) _____________________________________
7. I / make / us / some coffee (will) _____________________________________
8. I / take / you / to the airport (will) ______________________
9. Напишите планирования или предложения. Используйте be going to или will.
1. I’m not _________________ do my homework right now. (P)
2. He _________________ help you. (O)
3. Are you _________________ apply for a passport? (P)
4. We _________________ come to the airport if you want us to meet you. (O)
5. They are _________________ see you Tomorrow. (P)
6. My sister _________________ look after your cat for you. (O)
10. Напишите планирования или предложения. Используйте be going to или will.
1. a. Naomi is going to take the early morning flight to Osaka Tomorrow. (give / ride to the airport)
b. I _________________________________
2. a. Dad, the concert doesn’t finish until very late – after midnight. (come / get)
b. I _________________________________
3. a. I’d really like some cAnzhela, but I don’t have any money! (give / some)
b. I _________________________________
4. a. I have so much homework and I can’t do it! (help)
b. I _________________________________
5. a. Nina doesn’t want to walk home alone at midnight. (walk / with)
b. I _________________________________
6. a. I forgot to book a table at the restaurant. (call / the restaurant)
b. I _________________________________
11. Напишите A (affirmative/утвердительное) или N (negative/отрицательное).
1. I probably won’t live in Moldova City. _____
2. I think I’ll study in the United States. _____
3. I definitely won’t go to France. _____
4. I’ll probably study English. _____
5. I’ll definitely stay in Ukraine. _____
6. I don’t think I’ll study in Europe. _____
12. Заполните предложения. Используйте will / won’t, слова ниже, а также слова в скобках.
go out / pass / get married / get a taxi / study science / buy
1. They _________________________. (definitely)
2. He ________________________ at college. (probably / not )
3. He _______________________ the exam. (definitely / not)
4. I __________________________ a new computer. (think)
5. He _________________________ tonight. (probably / not)
6. We __________________________. (definitely)
13. Заполните пробелы. Используйте will или won’t.
1. Stepan _______ definitely go to college.
2. He _______ get married before he’s 2
5. He’ll get married when he’s 30.
3. He _______ definitely have children because he loves them.
4. He _______ live in a village. He’ll live in the city.
5. He _______ definitely live in a nice house.
6. He probably _______ be rich, but he’ll be OK.
14. Заполните пробелы, используя be going to или will.
1. It’s raining. I _____________ get you an umbrella.
2. We _____________ go to the movies on Saturday.
3. You look cold. I _____________ find you a sweater.
4. It’s late. I _____________ take you to the station.
5. They _____________ stay with their grandparents this summer.
6. She _____________ study history at college.
7. I _____________ meet my friends tonight.
8. Don’t worry. Vova _____________ carry that for you.
15. Заполните пробелы, используя be going to или will.
1. They _____________ go to a party on the weekend.
2. It’s hot in here. I _____________ open the window.
3. Is that difficult? I _____________ help you with it.
4. We _____________ watch a movie at home tonight.
5. He _____________ play baseball with his friends.
6. It’s very late. I _____________ call you a taxi.
7. I _____________ babysit Ilya so you and your husband can go to the concert.
8. He _____________ book his flight next week.
16. Обведите правильные варианты.
1. I am going to study / studying hard for my exams.
2. I will helping / help you with your homework.
3. Are / Do you going to take the bus to the airport?
4. I’ll to order / order a pizza for dinner tonight.
5. I not / I’m not going to go to the party on the weekend.
6. What are you going to do / going do tonight?
Вы можете разместить свои варианты ответов для проверки в блоке для комментариев ниже.
Tenses - Времена
Present Simple • Page 2 • Page 3
Present Continuous • Page 2 • Page 3
Past Simple • Page 2 • Page 3 • Page 4 • Page 5
Present Perfect • Page 2 • Page 3 • Page 4
Mixed Tenses
Present Simple vs Present Continuous • Page 2 • Page 3 • Page 4
Past Simple vs. Present Perfect • Page 2
Past Simple vs. Past Continuous • Page 2
Future with will vs. Future with (be) going to • Page 2