Will and be going to
1. I’ll definitely go on vacation this winter.
2. We will probably move house again.
3. I don’t think he’ll become a teacher.
4. I don’t think I’ll apply to college.
4. I probably won’t visit my friends tonight.
5. She’ll probably get a good job.
6. We definitely won’t go on vacation this year.
1. I will definitely go to college.
2. I don’t think I will get a new job.
3. She will probably become a doctor.
4. I definitely won’t work on the weekend.
5. He thinks he will go on vacation.
6. They probably won’t go to the movies.
7. I’m sure he’ll move to Ukraine.
8. They will probably get a dog this year.
1. We probably won’t go out for a pizza.
2. She will probably start studying later.
3. I’ll definitely finish this tonight.
4. They probably won’t buy a house.
5. I don’t think I’ll have a coffee, thanks.
6. I definitely won’t buy those sneakers.
7. He probably won’t get married.
1. He probably will become a lawyer.
2. We probably won’t go out for dinner.
3. I think I’ll go on vacation.
4. Dad definitely won’t buy that car.
5. I don’t think I’ll live in Zhmerinka.
6. I’m sure he’ll get that job.
7. We’ll probably go cycling on Saturday.
8. I’ll definitely get married to Kolya.
1. O 2. P 3. O 4. P 5. P 6. O 7. P 8. O
1. I’m going to learn to drive
2. I’ll lend you my bike.
3. We’ll give you a ride to the airport.
4. We’re going to go out for dinner.
5. I’m going to buy some new shoes.
6. I’ll book the tickets.
7. We’re going to play football.
8. I’ll help you with your homework.
1. P 2. O 3. P 4. O 5. P 6. O 7. O 8. P
1. I’m going to go on vacation.
2. I’ll lend you my eraser.
3. They’re going to buy the tickets now.
4. We’ll help you pack.
5. He’s going to play tennis Tomorrow.
6. We’re going to go to the movies.
7. I’ll make us some coffee.
8. I’ll take you to the airport.
1. going to 2. ’ll 3. going to 4. ’ll 5. going to 6. will
1. ’ll give her a ride to the airport.
2. ’ll come (to) get you.
3. ’ll give you some.
4. ’ll help you.
5. ’ll walk with her.
6. ’ll call the restaurant.
1. N 2. A 3. N 4. A 5. A 6. N
1. They will definitely get married.
2. He probably won’t study science at college.
3. He definitely won’t pass the exam.
4. I think I’ll buy a new computer.
5. He probably won’t go out tonight.
6. We’ll definitely get a taxi.
1. will 2. won’t 3. will 4. won’t 5. will 6. won’t
1. ’ll 2. are going to 3. ’ll 4. ’ll 5. are going to 6. ’s going to 7. ’m going to 8. will
1. ’re going to 2. ’ll 3. ’ll 4. ’re going to 5. ’s going to 6. ’ll 7. ’ll 8. ’s going to
1. to study 2. help 3. Are 4. order 5. I’m not 6. going to do
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Tenses - Времена
Present Simple • Page 2 • Page 3
Present Continuous • Page 2 • Page 3
Past Simple • Page 2 • Page 3 • Page 4 • Page 5
Present Perfect • Page 2 • Page 3 • Page 4
Mixed Tenses
Present Simple vs Present Continuous • Page 2 • Page 3 • Page 4
Past Simple vs. Present Perfect • Page 2
Past Simple vs. Past Continuous • Page 2
Future with will vs. Future with (be) going to • Page 2