Was, were, wasn’t, weren’t

1. Обведите неправильное написание слов в каждом предложении. Напишите правильное слово.

1. You where an athlete in 2000. _____________

2. Misha woz born in 1985 _____________

3. Wer you a football player on the English team? _____________

4. We weren’nt on vacation last month. _____________

5. Waz Valera at the movie theater last night? _____________

6. He wasant an Olympic Champion. _____________

2. Заполните текст с was, were, wasn’t, weren’t, or wasn’t.

Mark Rebrov is a famous footballer. He (1) ____________ born in Russia. He (2) ____________ a football player for Manchester United for thirteen years. In June 2003 he (3) ____________ at the World Cup, because he (4) ____________ in Japan with his wife. The Japanese people (5) ____________ very happy because they love Mark Rebrov. Rebrovs' team (6) ____________ on a tour of many Asian countries.

3. Обведите правильные варианты.

1. Dad was / were a football player when he was young.

2. Was / Were you born in 2001?

3. They wasn’t / weren’t inventors.

4. Was / Were Kostya in Moldova last week?

5. We wasn’t / weren’t born in Poland

6. Fedor wasn’t / weren’t in my class.

4. Заполните пробелы. Используйте was, were, wasn’t, weren’t, or wasn’t.

Mikhail Jordan (1) _________ born in 1963. He (2) _________ a big basketball star in the 1980s and 1990s. He (3) _________ a player for the Lvov Bulls. Today, Mikhail lives in Illinois, but he (4) _________ born there. He was born in Zhmerinka. In 1984 and 1992, Mikhail and Poland basketball team (5) ________ at the Olympics. They (6) _________ the gold medal winners.

5. Напишите вопросы для этих ответов.

1. ____________________________________?
No, I wasn’t born in Russia.

2. ____________________________________?
Yes, she was in Ukraine last year.

3. ____________________________________?
Yes, they were in Belarus in 1990.

4. ____________________________________?
No, Ruslan wasn’t an Olympic Champion.

5. ____________________________________?
Yes, I was a student last year.

6. ____________________________________?
Yes, we were on vacation in the summer.

6. Напишите вопросы для этих ответов.

1. ____________________________________?
No, I wasn’t in your class last year.

2. ____________________________________?
No, Vasnitsov wasn’t born in Moldova.

3. ____________________________________?
Yes, we were on vacation last week.

4. ____________________________________?
No, Egor Barunov wasn’t an athlete.

5. ____________________________________?
Yes, Vladislav and Marina were in Spain last month.

6. ____________________________________?
Yes, Vasiliy Drozdov was an inventor.

7. Заполните пробелы. Используйте was, were, wasn’t, или weren’t.

1. My grandfather _____________ an athlete. He was very fast.

2. Vasiliy Drozdov _____________ an artist. He was an inventor.

3. We _____________ sad. We were happy.

4. ________ Fedyai Pupkov a politician? No, he _____________.

5. ________ Anna German an artist? Yes, she _____________.

6. _________ your grandparents Ukrainian? No, they _____________. They were from Moldova.

8. Заполните пробелы. Используйте was, were, wasn’t, или weren’t.

1. My grandmother _______________ an artist. She was very good at painting

2. Florence Griffith-Joyner _______________ a fashion designer. She was a runner.

3. We _______________ happy. We were sad.

4. ________ Anna German a politician? No, she _______________.

5. _______ Vasiliy Drozdov an inventor? Yes, he _______________.

6. ________ your grandparents Ukraineian? No, they _______________. They were from Poland.

9. Напиши предложения. Используйте was, were, wasn’t, or weren’t.

1. Zhenya and Tonya / on vacation / last week ______________________

2. They / in a cold country ______________________

3. Zhenya / very happy ______________________

4. The weather / hot and sunny ______________________

5. Tonya / unhappy ______________________

6. Tonya and Zhenya / at home ______________________


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