Present Continuous (future) Упражнения по грамматике

Complete the sentences


1. I _________ (go) to the supermarket tomorrow.

2. My sister _________ (give) me her car when she gets her new one.

3. We _________ (have) a barbecue on Sunday.

4. All my friends _________ (come) to my party next week.

5. We _________ (take) my niece to Aquapark later today.

6. The train _________ (leave) in ten minutes.

7. We _________ (go) to the zoo tomorrow.

8. On Friday I _________ (go) to Rob's party.

9. My teacher _________ (go) to school tomorrow.

10. Rhonda _________ (stay in) on Friday.

11. Bill _________ (go) to the cinema at the weekend.

12. _________ Susan _________ (work) this week?

13. _________ your English _________ (get) better?

14. I _________ (see) the manager tomorrow.

15. He _________ (play) tennis this afternoon.

16. Sue _________ (come) to see us tomorrow.

17. I _________ (go) to the theatre this evening.

18. At what time _________ Katy _________ (arrive) tomorrow.

19. I _________ (not work) this evening.

20. I _________ (not use) the car this evening.

21. When _________ you _________ (take) me to the zoo?

22. I _________ (start) piano lessons soon.

23. We _________ (go) camping tomorrow.

24. Pete's parents _________ (take) him to Holland next week.

25. My favourite TV program _________ (start) in a minute.


1. All our friends ___________ (come).

2. Who ___________ (bring) salad for the barbecue?

3. I ___________ (visit) Joe next week.

4. Where ___________ you ___________ (go) for your vacation?

5. What ___________ we ___________ (eat) for dinner?

6. I ___________ (meet) some friends after work.

7. I ___________ (not go) to the party tonight.

8. ___________ he ___________ (visit) his parents next weekend?

9. ___________ he ___________ (not come) with us tonight?

10. When ___________ you ___________ (get) married?

11. He ___________ (see) his mother on Tuesday.

12. She ___________ (travel) to York at the weekend.

13. We ___________ (eat) in a restaurant tonight.

14. They can play tennis tomorrow. They ___________ (not work).

15. When ___________ you ___________ (start) your new job?

16. Mary ___________ (take) her music exam next year.

17. I ___________ (go) abroad this summer.

18. She ___________ (get) married this month.

19. I ___________ (have) my first piano lessons this week.

20. ___________ they ___________ (have) a party on Friday?

21. ___________ you ___________ (meet) Vicky today?

22. He ___________ (not go) to school tomorrow.

23. We ___________ (get up) early on Saturday to play golf.

24.I ___________ (stay in a hotel near the station next week.

25. I ___________ (drive) to Manchester on Friday.


1. I ___________ (see) my dentist on Monday.

2. Sonia___________ (come) for dinner tomorrow.

3. ___________ you ___________ (do) anything tonight?

4. He ___________ (go) to write a book.

5. I ___________ (take) sally out for dinner tonight.

6. The girls and I ___________ (go) out tonight.

7. They ___________ (have) a very small wedding.

8. ___________ you ___________ (meet) your friends tomorrow?

9. ___________ you ___________ (stay) with me today?

10. Sally ___________ (meet) Luis at 3 p.m.

11. We ___________ (fly) to Mexico on Saturday.

12. Our grandmother ___________ (visit) us at Christmas.

13. I ___________ (meet) my father at the airport.

14. He ___________ (not work) next week.

15. He ___________ (pick) me up at one o´clock.

16. The company ___________ (give) everybody a bonus for Christmas.

17. I ___________ (sing) tonight at the club.

18. I ___________ (finish) my degree next year.

19. We ___________ (buy) a new house next year.

20. We ___________ (have) a test in two days.

21. Petya ___________ (babysit) tonight.

22. She ___________ (not do) anything next week.

23. I ___________ (study) next weekend.

24. They ___________ (come) to the party next weekend.

25. I ___________ (leave) at 3 o´clock.


1. I ___________ (plan) my wedding.

2. I ___________ (spend) the evening with Isabel.

3. Amanda ___________ (play) cards this evening.

4. I ___________ (take) a train tonight.

5. I ___________ (have) a month's vacation in June.

6. I ___________ (go) to Norway next year.

7. I ___________ (have) lunch with a friend.

8. I ___________ (visit) Paris next week.

9. We ___________ (have) a party next weekend.

10. He ___________ (go) on a business trip next week.

11. He ___________ (start) a photography course tomorrow.

12. They ___________ (get) married next week.

13. We ___________ (move) house next week.

14. I ___________ (take) an exam in October.

15. I ___________ (leave) by train tomorrow.

16. They ___________ (stay) until 5 o´clock.

17. We ___________ (come) back next Friday.

18. They ___________ (visit) the museum tomorrow.

19. They ___________ (have) a picnic on Sunday.

20. I ___________ (visit) my grandmother next summer.

21. Paco ___________ (play) golf at the weekend.

22. He ___________ (have) a late breakfast.

23. I ___________ (go) to Norway next week.

24. My plane ___________ (arrive) tonight at 8.30 p.m.

25. What are you doing later? I ___________ (play) soccer.


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