1. Напишите слова в правильном порядке.
1. the / to / normally / We / go / the / movies / weekend / on _____________________________________
2. the / doing / I’m / my / homework / At / moment _____________________________________
3. Right / working / in / office / now / she’s / the _____________________________________
4. every / talks / on / phone / day / She / the _____________________________________
5. Football / play / They / school / usually / after _____________________________________
6. reading / not / I’m / because / tired / now / I’m _____________________________________
2. Заполните предложения. Используйте Простое Настоящее (Present Simple) или Настоящее Продолжительное (Present Continuous).
1. Inna works for CNN. She _______________ (report) the news every weekday.
2. Ivan and Vitya ______________ (play) football now.
3. My parents ______________ (not watch) the news every evening.
4. Pasha normally ______________ (go) to school at 8.30.
5. Nikita ______________ (study) math in her room right now.
6. Maxim ______________ (not live) in Bryansk. He lives here.
3. Прочитайте предложения. Напишите U (Usually - Обычно) или RN (Right Now - Сейчас).
1. We go to school every day. _____
2. I’m playing football at the moment. _____
3. She normally goes to bed at ten. _____
4. He’s reading a magazine now. _____
5. We watch TV every Friday. _____
4. Заполните теолефонный разговор в Простом Настоящем (Present Simple) или Настоящем Продолжительном (Present Continuous).
Nina: Hi, Tonya. What (1) ___________ (do) at the moment?
Tonya: I (2) ___________ (watch) TV, but it’s really boring. What (3) _________________ (do) now?
Nina: Nothing much. I (4) _______________ (listen) to music right now. I usually (5) _____________ (play) tennis after school, but it’s raining.
Tonya: (6) _____________ (play) tennis every day?
Nina: No. I play on Mondays. Normally, I (7) _____________ (go) home or I (8) _____________ (meet) my friends.
5. Заполните пробелы. Используйте Простое Настоящее (Present Simple) или Настоящее Продолжительное (Present Continuous) form of глаголы в скобках.
1. He usually ______________ (drive) a red car.
2. Stas ______________ (play) basketball now.
3. My parents ______________ (not work) on the weekend.
4. Lyosha and Zhanna ______________ (not listen) to music at the moment.
5. Lilia ______________ (do) her homework every evening.
6. Vasiliy ______________ (chat) online right now.
6. Заполните диалог в Простом Настоящем (Present Simple) или Настоящем Продолжительном (Present Continuous).
Vera: Hi, Klava. What (1) _______________ (do) now?
Klava: We’re in the kitchen. Mark (2) _______________ (cook) dinner, and Valya and Anya (3) _______________ (study) for their exams. What (4) _______________ (do) right now?
Vera: I (5) _______________ (watch) TV.
Klava: (6) _______________ (watch) TV every night?
Pedro: No, I don’t. I usually (7) _______________ (make) dinner, but Mark always (8) _______________ (cook) dinner on Mondays.
Вы можете разместить свои варианты ответов для проверки в блоке для комментариев ниже.
Tenses - Времена
Present Simple • Page 2 • Page 3
Present Continuous • Page 2 • Page 3
Past Simple • Page 2 • Page 3 • Page 4 • Page 5
Present Perfect • Page 2 • Page 3 • Page 4
Mixed Tenses
Present Simple vs Present Continuous • Page 2 • Page 3 • Page 4
Past Simple vs. Present Perfect • Page 2
Past Simple vs. Past Continuous • Page 2
Future with will vs. Future with (be) going to • Page 2