Прошедшее Продолжительное

Past Continuous

1. Заполните пробелы формой Прошедшего Продолжительного (Past Continuous) времени глаголов в скобках.

Last week there was the city carnival. I (1) ________________ (walk) in the parade with my two sisters. We (2) ________________ (have) a fantastic time! There were a lot of bands. They (3) ________________ (play) all kinds of music. Lots of people (4) ________________ (dance) and we (5) ________________ (wear) beautiful costumes. Some people (6) ________________ (sing) and a lot of people (7) ________________ (eat) and (8) ________________ (drink). We (9) ________________ (laugh). It was great!

2. Заполните пробелы формой Прошедшего Продолжительного (Past Continuous) времени глаголов в скобках.

It was the first day of the summer vacation.
We (1) ___________ (camp) by the river in the mountains. It
(2) ___________ (rain) and the wind (3) ___________ (blow). Mom
(4) ___________ (put) up the tent, Uncle Frank
(5) ___________ (make) a fire and Dad
(6) ____________ (cook) dinner. Aunt Vera
(7) ___________ (shout) at Uncle Frank. My sister Jo and her boyfriend
(8) ___________ (argue) and my two brothers
(9) ___________ (fight). I (10) ___________ (cry). It wasn’t a great vacation!

3. Заполните пробелы формой Прошедшего Продолжительного (Past Continuous) времени глаголов в скобках.

1. Two police officers ___________ (hide) behind the trees.

2. Vasiliy ___________ (fight).

3. Anya ___________ (run).

4. Baby Marina ___________ (smile).

5. Kondrat ___________ (run) to the car.

6. Mark ___________ (argue).

7. Vova and Borya ___________ (sleep).

4. Заполните пробелы с was, wasn’t, were, or weren’t. Используйте утвердительное (+) или отрицательное (-).

1. Lusya ________________ running at 5 o’clock yesterday evening. (+)

2. Misha and Galya ________________ hiding yesterday afternoon. (-)

3. I ________________ singing at 6 o’clock. (+)

4. Gena ________________ talking to her friend last night. (-)

5. You ________________ reading last Sunday. (+)

6. Dima ________________ shouting yesterday evening. (-)

5. Заполните пробелы с Прошедшим Продолжительным (Past Continuous).

1. Konstantin __________________ (shout).

2. Kolya and Marat __________________ (ride their bikes).

3. Nataliya and Nina __________________ (run).

4. Vera __________________ (walk).

5. Kostya __________________ (kick a football ball)

6. Zhenya __________________ (read).

6. Напишите вопросы, используя Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Continuous).

1. What / you / do / yesterday ? ____________________________________?

2. he / talk / on his cell phone / just now ? ____________________________________?

3. Where / she / wait / at 4. p.m. ? ____________________________________?

4. they / watch / movies / at 10. p.m. ? ____________________________________?

5. Why / she / wear / an expensive dress ? ____________________________________?

6. Why / they / shout ? ____________________________________?

7. Where / you / go / this morning ? ____________________________________?

8. you / listen / to the radio / this afternoon ? ____________________________________?

7. Заполните диалог. Используйте правильную форму Прошедшегол Продолжительного времени глаголов в скобках.

Police officer: Where were you yesterday afternoon?
Andrey: (1) I ___________ (play) volleyball at the beach.
Police officer: What was your brother doing?
Andrey: (2) He ___________ (study) at home.
Police officer: What were you doing between 8:00 and 10:00 p.m.?
Andrey: (3) I ___________ (watch) a movie with my friends, and then
we (4) ___________ (dance) at a party.
Police officer: Were your parents doing yesterday evening?
Andrey: They (5) ________________ (cook) dinner and then they (6) ____________ (walk) the dog.
Police officer: Were your neighbors fighting yesterday evening?
Andrey: Yes, they were. My mom says they (7) ________________ (argue), and this morning they (8) ________________ (shout) very loudly.

8. Напишите вопросы для ответов, используя Why …? и Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Continuous) время.

1. (shout) ____________________________________?
Because I was angry.

2. (wait / bus stop) ____________________________________?
Because she was going to the movies.

3. (laugh) ____________________________________?
Because he was happy.

4. (buy / present) ____________________________________?
Because I was going to a birthday party.

5. (pack / your suitcase) ____________________________________?
Because we were going on vacation.

6. (you / carry / an umbrella) ____________________________________?
Because it was raining.

7. (cry) ____________________________________?
Because I was watching a sad movie.

8. (run) ____________________________________?
Because I was late!

9. Сопоставьте ответы с вопросами.

1. Was she running? ____
2. Were you crying? ____
3. Where were you going? ____
4. Was he going to the movies? ____
5. What were you doing? ____

a. I was going to the movies.
b. No, he wasn’t
c. No, she wasn’t.
d. I was doing my homework.
e. Yes, I was.

10. Напишите вопросы и ответы в Прошедшем Продолжительном (Past Continuous) времени.

1. What / Tanya / do ? - What was Tanya doing ? She was going shopping.

2. Where / Fedor and Marina / go ? ____________________________? ___________________________.

3. What / Rita and Fedya / do / at the beach ? ____________________________? ___________________________.

4. Why / Grisha and Petr / wear shorts ? ____________________________? ___________________________.


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