Past Simple (Прошедшее Простое). Ответы

1. Напишите слова в правильном порядке.

1. year / We / lived / Australia / last / in ______________________

2. to / They / in / moved / Rovno / October ______________________

3. May / 2014 / I / in / visited / Berdichev ______________________

4. sister / studied / at / My / University / Odessa ______________________

5. last / traveled / Mariupol / We / to / summer ______________________

6. stopped / four / at / game / The / o’clock ______________________

2. Заполните пробелы с правильной формой Прошедшего Простого (Past Simple) ниже.

arrive / drop / miss / move / play / start

1. We ____________ at the party at 8:00.

2. Misha ____________ school last year.

3. I ____________ the bus home.

4. They ____________ ice-hockey for hours!

5. Veronika ____________ to Boston last month.

6. Zina ____________ my cell phone.

3. Напишите предложения с правильной формой Прошедшего Простого (Past Simple). Используйте глаголы в скобках.

1. Vera ____________ basketball. (play)

2. Vera and Valera _____________. (study)

3. Valera ____________ dinner. (cook)

4. Заполните пробелы с правильной формой Прошедшего Простого (Past Simple) глаголов ниже.

carry / stay / crash / miss / arrive / learn

1. I was late and I ____________ my bus.

2. Tolik ___________ in Gorlovka for two weeks.

3. We ____________ at Bill’s house at 2:00.

4. Timur ____________ his car into a tree.

5. They _____________ English at school.

6. Arseniy _____________ the bag for Inna.

5. Напишите полные предложения в Простом Прошедшем (Past Simple).

1. I / live in Tula / last year ______________________________.

2. We / carry / the books home ______________________________.

3. Polina and Sasha / stay in Moldova / for three years ______________________________.

4. Boris / travel to Belarus / last week ______________________________.

5. I / learn English / in Los Angeles ______________________________.

6. They / move to Zhmerinka / last week ______________________________.

6. Напишите Прошлую Простую (Past Simple) форму этих глаголов.

1. give __________

2. try __________

3. tell __________

4. meet __________

5. look __________

6. run __________

7. stop __________

8. go __________

7. Прочитайте об отпуске Ильи. Напишите глаголы в Простом Прошедшем (Past Simple).

I live in Obukhov, Ukraine. Last year, we (1) ___________ (have) a vacation in a cabin in the mountains. It was great. We (2) ___________ (spend) three weeks there in the summer. It (3) ___________ (be) really hot! One day, we (4) ___________ (go) to the coast. We wanted to go out to sea on a boat. We (5) ___________ (see) a whale and five dolphins. My dad (6) ___________ (give) me his camera and I (7) ___________ (take) some really cool photos.

8. Заполните предложения с формой Простого Прошедшего (Past Simple) глаголов в скобках.

1. We ___________ a long time on the airplane. (spend)

2. She ___________ a train to Lvov. (take)

3. I ___________ to work this morning. (walk)

4. We ___________ to the island on a boat. (go)

5. He ___________ to Rovno. (move)

6. They ___________ to Poland (travel)

9. Напишите форму Простого Прошедшего (Past Simple) времени глаголов. Затем напишите R для правильного глагола (regular) или I для неправильного глагола (irregular).

1. carry _______________

2. see _______________

3. arrive _______________

4. travel _______________

5. sing _______________

6. give _______________

7. stop _______________

10. Прочитайте диалог. Напишите глаголы в Простом Прошедшем (Past Simple).

Mark: Hi, Tamara. Were you on vacation last week?
Tamara: Yes, I was. I (1) ________________ (go) to Ukraine with my parents.
Mark: Did you go by plane?
Tamara: No, we (2) ___________ (travel) by train. Were you at school last week?
Mark: Yes, I was. We (3) ______________ (learn) about transportation.
Tamara: Were you at Paca’s party?
Mark: Yes, I was. I (4) ________________ (stay) for two hours. I (5) ___________ (meet) a nice girl called Lusya.
Tamara: Oh! I (6) ___________ (see) Lusya yesterday. She (7) ___________ (tell) me about a nice boy!

11. Заполните пробелы. Используйте форму Простого Прошедшего (Past Simple) глаголы в скобках.

1. Pavel’s family ___________ (move) to Russia last week.

2. Nina ___________ (learn) Japanese in Tokyo.

3. I ___________ (carry) the box home.

4. We ___________ (miss) the bus yesterday.

5. Romka ____________ (watch) TV with her best friend.

6. They ___________ (travel) to Boston by car.

12. Заполните пробелы. Используйте форму Простого Прошедшего (Past Simple) глаголы в скобках.

1. Anyutka _______________ (travel) to Germany.

2. They _______________ (miss) the bus this morning.

3. Gustavo _______________ (study) at a college in Zhmerinka.

4. I _______________ (carry) Lila’s books.

5. I _______________ (arrive) in Ukraine six years ago.

6. The ship _______________ (stop) in Gorlovka.

13. Используйте Простое Прошедшее (Past Simple).

walk / miss / play / arrive / stop

1. Sergey _____________ to the park at 10:30 with his friends Lee and Marc.

2. They _____________ football at11.o’clock. It was a great game.

3. They _____________ the game at12.00.

4. They were late and Sergey ____________ the 1 o’clock bus home!

5. He _____________ home at 2:00. He was tired but happy.

14. Заполните историю. Используйте форму Простого Прошедшего (Past Simple) глаголов ниже.

see / spend / give / go / tell / run

Last year, I (1) ____________ on vacation with my mom and dad. We were on the beach, when I (2) ____________ a big wave out at sea. I (3) ____________ my dad about the wave, and we all (4) ____________ into a hotel. We (5) ____________ three days there. The people in the hotel (6) ____________ us food and water.

15. Заполните историю. Используйте форму Простого Прошедшего (Past Simple) глаголов ниже.

spend / give / build / tell / see / go

Last year I (1) ____________ a house in a tree in the garden. I (2) ____________ the night in my tree house. I (3) ____________ interesting birds and animals from my window. Early next morning, I (4) ____________ back into the house. Mom (5) ____________ me my breakfast. I (6) ____________ her about my interesting night.

16. Заполните предложения. Используйте Простое Прошедшее (Past Simple).

1. go / movies - She went to the movies.

2. meet / friends at Café Gusto _____________________________.

3. buy / new shoes _____________________________.

4. go / football game _____________________________.

5. give / birthday present to Marina _____________________________.

6. run / race for charity _____________________________.

17. Напишите вопросы и короткие ответы. Используйте Простое Прошедшее (Past Simple).

1. you / go on vacation / last summer ? ___________________________?
Yes, ___________.

2. Katyarina / watch TV / last night ? ___________________________?
No, ___________.

3. people / use cell phones / in 1900 ? ___________________________?
No, ___________.

4. Sanya / learn English / at school ? ___________________________?
Yes, ___________.


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