Present Simple vs Present Continuous (2)

1. Напишите утвердительное предложения. Используйте Настоящее Продолжительное (Present Continuous).

1. Vadim / sit / at home ___________________

2. Masha / cook / dinner ___________________

3. It / rain / now ___________________

4. Nadezhda and Valentin / dance ___________________

5. I / walk / to school ___________________

6. We / sing / a song ___________________

2. Заполните пробелы со словами ниже.

isn’t waiting / is cleaning / isn’t walking / aren’t playing / is talking

1. Rinat ___________ the school.

2. Pelepenko ___________ for the bus.

3. Vitya and his friends ___________ basketball.

4. Anyuta ___________ to her friend.

5. Valera _____________ to school.

3. Заполните пробелы. Используйте отрицательную форму Настоящем продолжительно (Present Continuous).

1. My sister ____________ (get dressed) now.

2. Mom _______________ (cook) dinner.

3. We ________________ (play) volleyball on the beach.

4. Igor _________________ (swim).

5. Nazar and Igor ______________ (watch) a movie.

6. Dad ________________ (work) today.

4. Напишите вопросы. Используйте Настоящее Продолжительное (Present Continuous).

1. Yura / get dressed? ____________________________________?

2. Elena and Seryoga / write a text message? ____________________________________?

3. Gleb / listen to music? ____________________________________?

4. your parents / have dinner? ____________________________________?

5. Lyosha / sit in the classroom? ____________________________________?

6. Zlata / read a magazine? ____________________________________?

7. Andrey and Snezhana / wait for the bus? ____________________________________?

5. Выберете правильный ответs. Обведите a или b.

1. Is he waiting for a bus?
a. No, she isn’t. b. Yes, he is.

2. Are you watching TV?
a. No, I’m not. b. No, you aren’t.

3. Is Mom playing basketball?
a. No, he isn’t. b. No, she isn’t.

4. Are we having coffee?
a. Yes, we are. b. No, we don’t.

5. Are they sitting in the park?
a. No, they aren’t. b. No, he isn’t.

6. Эти вопросы в Настоящем Продолжительном (Present Continuous) неверны. Напишите правильные предложения.

1. Are Pavel and Anya swim? ____________________________________?

2. Is he wait for a bus? ____________________________________?

3. Are it snowing? ____________________________________?

4. Is he buy a new TV? ____________________________________?

5. Zina playing football? ____________________________________?

7. Заполните предложения. Используйте Present Continuous (глаголы в скобках).

1. Alla ___________ (do) homework right now.

2. ________ Vitya and Gleb ______________ (eat) breakfast at the moment?

3. Marat and Vera ___________ (watch) TV.

4. ________ Diana ____________ (play) tennis now?

5. Valya ______________ (not study) in her room. She’s sleeping.

6. Ignat and Lara ___________ (not talk) on the phone. They’re cleaning the house.

8. Обведите правильные варианты.

1. Zina normally / at the moment takes the bus to school.

2. Anya and Yelena are studying for their exams usually / right now.

3. At the moment / Usually my friends are playing computer games.

4. Normally / Right now we don’t do our homework at school.

9. Заполните пробелы. Используйте Простое Настоящее (Present Simple) или Настоящее Продолжительное (Present Continuous) время глаголов в скобках.

1. He usually _________________ (play) computer games.

2. Stas _________________ (eat) dinner now.

3. My parents _________________ (not work) on the weekend.

4. Lyosha and Zhanna _________________ (not dance) on the beach right now.

5. Lilia ___________ (do) her homework every evening.

6. Vasiliy _________________ (talk) on the phone right now.

10. Обведите правильный ответ U (usually - обычно) или RN (right now - сейчас).

1. We eat lunch every day. U / RN

2. They’re swimming. U / RN

3. He normally gets up at 7:00. U / RN

4. She’s watching a romantic movie. U / RN

5. I don’t play football after school. U / RN

11. Обведите правильное слово.

1. Genadiy doesn’t have / has short, dark hair. He has brown eyes.

2. Nataliya don’t / doesn’t have big, blue eyes.

3. Pasha doesn’t have / has long, blond hair.

4. Rinat and Irina has / have dark hair.

5. My dad have / has a mustache and a short beard.

6. My grandparents don’t / doesn’t have blond hair.

7. Viktoria and Helen don’t have / has long hair.

8. Pavel have / doesn’t have blue eyes.

12. Обведите правильное слово.

1. Anzhela and Nataliya has / have blond hair.

2. My grandfather have / has short hair.

3. Stas doesn’t have / has blue eyes. He has brown eyes.

4. Viktoria and Helen don’t have / has long hair.

5. Timur doesn’t have / has wavy hair.

6. My mom don’t / doesn’t have blue eyes.

7. Masha has / don’t have green eyes.

8. Pavel have / doesn’t have blue eyes.


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