Past Simple, Used to and Would

Fill in the gaps with an appropriate verb phrase.

1. He ___ smoke but now he doesn't.

a. would
b. used to
c. smoked

2. He ___ always bring us nice gifts.

a. used to
b. would
c. Either could be used here

3. I ___ go jogging but now I don’t.
a. used to
b. would
c. was used to

4. You used to like him, ___?

a. used you not
b. don't you
c. didn't you

5. ___ play football at college?

a. Used you to
b. Did you use to
c. Either could be used here

6. I ___ like jazz music, but now I do.

a. did not use to
b. used not to
c. used to not

7. I ___ have any interest in sociology.

a. did not use to
b. did not used to
c. used not to

8. I ___ in Odessa for 13 years.

a. lived
b. would live
c. used to live

9. I ___ be afraid of snakes.

a. would
b. used to
c. was used to

10. She couldn’t understand them because she ___ their accent.

a. didn't use to
b. wasn't used to
c. used wasn't to

11. It took him quite a while to get ___ alone.

a. used to live
b. used to living
c. Either could be used here

12. I ___ to Poltava twice last month.

a. used to go
b. would go
c. went


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