Past Simple vs Past Continuous (Простое Прошедшее или Прошедшее Продолжительное). Ответы

1. Обведите правильные варианты.

Last night I dreamed I (1) walked / was walking in the forest when I (2) saw / was seeing a bear! I was very scared, so I (3) ran / was running to the river. I (4) looked / was looking around when the bear (5) started / was starting to chase me! I was scared, but I (6) didn’t scream / was not screaming. I quickly (7) climbed / was climbing to the top of a tree. I could see the bear below. Then, luckily, I (8) woke up / was waking up!

2. Заполните предложения со словами ниже в Простом Прошедшем (Past Simple) времени.

drop her coffee / see an accident / give her some money

1. I was walking home when I ___________________.

2. She was working when her boss ___________________.

3. She was daydreaming about her vacation when she ___________.

3. Обведите правильные варианты.

Yesterday I dreamed I (1) rode / was riding my bike by the river when I (2) saw / was seeing a large dog! Some time later, I (3) looked / was looking around and the dog (4) followed / was following me! I was scared, but I (5) didn’t scream / was not screaming. I (6) stopped / was stopping my bike and quickly (7) climbed / was climbing a tree. I could see the dog below. Then, luckily, I (8) woke up / was waking up.

4. Заполните предложения. Используйте форму Простого Прошедшего (Past Simple) времени.

start to rain / drop the bat / cell phone ring

1. Maria was lying on the beach when it

2. Pashka was waiting for the bus when his

3. They were playing baseball when Sasha

5. Заполните пробелы. Используйте Простое Прошедшее или Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

not go / meet / not know / watch / not send / make

1. We _________________ a pizza for lunch when my cell phone rang.

2. They _________________ to the party last night.

3. I _________________ my friends downtown on Saturday.

4. She _________________ how to make good coffee.

5. He _________________ a movie on TV when his mother came home.

6. You _________________ me a text message last night.

6. Заполните пробелы. Используйте Простое Прошедшее или Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Simple or Past Continuous).

1. We _________________ (play) football when it ______________ (start) to rain.

2. I _________________ (watch) TV when the doorbell _________________ (ring).

3. Valera _________________ (talk) on his cell phone when he _________________ (see) me.

4. I _________________ (run) in the park when I ______________ (break) my ankle.

5. Kiryukha _________________ (climb) the mountain when it ______________ (start) to snow.

7. Заполните пробелы. Используйте Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Continuous) глаголов в скобках.

1. I was talking to Zhenya.
I __________________ (not argue) with him.

2. I was reading a book.
I __________________ (not read) a magazine.

3. Valya wasn’t buying a dress.
She ________________ (make) a dress.

4. Vika wasn’t skating.
She ________________ (skateaboarding).

5. Sue and Luke ___________________ (not travel) by plane. They were traveling by boat.

6. We weren’t watching a movie.
We ________________ (watch) the news.

7. Priscila was driving.
She ________________ (not ride) a bike.

8. Заполните пробелы. Используйте Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Continuous) глаголов в скобках.

Last week I (1) ___________ (walk) to the shopping mall with my sister. We (2) ___________ (talk) about John Mig, our favorite movie star. At the mall, a lot of people (3) ___________ (stand) outside the movie theater. There were photographers, journalists, and a lot of girls. The girls (4) ___________ (scream). The photographers (5) ___________ (take) a lot of pictures. The journalists (6) ___________ (hold) microphones, and they (7) ___________ (ask) questions. We walked to the front of the crowd and we saw John Mig! He (8) ___________ (wear) really cool clothes, and he (9) ___________ (look) at us! I smiled, and my sister fainted!

9. Напиши предложения. Используйте Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Continuous).

At 10:30 yesterday morning, I was downtown with my mom, dad, and baby sister.

1. My mom and dad / talk _____________________________________

2. My baby sister / cry _____________________________________

3. I / watch a bank robber _____________________________________

4. He / run out of the bank _____________________________________

5. The bank manager / not chase the robber _____________________________________

6. Two men / wait in a car ___________________________

7. The car / not move _____________________________________

8. Two police officers / hide behind the trees ______________________

10. Напишите вопросы. Используйте Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Continuous).

1. Mom and Dad / read ? ____________________________________?
No, they weren’t.

2. you / cry ? ____________________________________?
No, I wasn’t.

3. Masha / sleep ? ____________________________________?
Yes, she was.

4. Yulya / shout ? ____________________________________?
No, she wasn’t.

5. Henry and Tammy / drink coffee ? ____________________________________?
Yes, they were.

6. you and Romka / work ? ____________________________________?
No, we weren’t.

11. Напишите вопросы. Используйте Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Continuous).

1. ____________________________________?
No, I wasn’t talking on the phone.

2. ____________________________________?
Yes, Abigail was watching her favorite show.

3. ____________________________________?
Yes, it was raining outside.

4. ____________________________________?
Yes, Sveta and Maria were carrying umbrellas.

5. ____________________________________?
No, they weren’t arguing.

6. ____________________________________?
Yes, Mom and Dad were driving home.

7. ____________________________________?
No, the dog wasn’t sleeping.

8. ____________________________________?
Yes, I was looking out of the window.

12. Заполните вопросы. Используйте Why, Where, или What?

1. __________ was Freya crying?
Because she had an argument with her mom.

2. __________ was Francis going?
He was going to the sports center.

3. __________ was Tanyat doing?
She was doing her homework.

4. __________ was the dog hiding?
It was hiding in the garden.

5. __________ were you wearing a coat?
Because it was cold.

6. __________ was Marina watching on TV?
She was watching an old movie.

7. __________ was dad sleeping?
Because he was very tired.

8. __________ was Andrey shopping?
At the mall.

13. Заполните предложения A в Прошедшем Продолжительном (Past Continuous), и предложения B Простом Прошедшем (Past Simple).

1. A We ______________
(watch) TV.
B The phone _______________

2. A Dima _____________
(wash) the dishes.
B He ______________
(break) a plate.

3. A Oliver ____________
B He fell and _______________
(hurt) his ankle.

4. A Valya and Alexey ___________
(play) tennis.
B It _______________
(start) to rain.

14. Скомбинируйте предложения в упражнении 7, используя слово when.

1. ___________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________

15. Заполните пробелы. Используйте Прошедшее Продолжительное (Past Continuous) или Простое Прошедшее (Past Simple) глаголов в скобках.

My first day. It was my first day at a new school. I was waiting in front of the school when I (1) ___________ (see) some students. The boys (2) ___________ (play) football, and the girls (3) ___________ (talk) in small groups. It was a lovely day. The sun (4) ___________ (shine) and the birds (5) ___________ (sing), but suddenly it (6) ___________ (start) to rain. I (7) ___________ (think) about my old school when a girl (8) ___________ (come) up to say hello. Her name was Ana. Now she is my best friend!


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