Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Простое Настоящее или Настоящее Продолжительное). Ответы


1. We normally go to the movies on the weekend.

2. At the moment I’m doing my homework.

3. Right now she’s working in the office.

4. She talks on the phone every day.

5. They usually play football after school.

6. I’m not reading now because I’m tired.


1. reports 2. are playing 3. don’t watch

4. goes 5. is studying 6. doesn’t live


1. U 2. RN 3. U 4. RN 5. U


1. are you doing 2. ’m watching 3. are you doing 4. ’m listening 5. play 6. Do you play 7. go 8. meet


1. drives 2. is playing 3. don’t work

4. aren’t listening 5. does 6. is chatting


1. are you doing 2. is cooking 3. are studying 4. are you doing 5. ’m watching 6. Do you watch 7. make 8. cooks


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