Present perfect. Part 2 (Настоящее совершенное). Ответы

Present perfect. Part 2


1. visited 2. just 3. has 4. yet 5. already 6. Has


1. She has already won the lottery.

2. He has just told a lie.

3. I haven’t visited Europe yet.

4. They have already started the exam.

5. I have just made a mistake.

6. We haven’t had dinner yet.


1. yet 2. already 3. hasn’t 4. won 5. Have 6. has


1. They’ve just made a decision.

2. He hasn’t finished his essay yet.

3. She’s already bought the tickets.

4. I’ve just made a suggestion.

5. You haven’t started that book yet.

6. We’ve already seen that movie.


1. for 2. since 3. since 4. for 5. for 6. since


1. I’ve made clothes for six years.

2. We’ve been here since 9:30.

3. She’s taught math since she left college.

4. They’ve worked in a hotel for 18 months.

5. I’ve been at home for two hours.

6. He’s played on the team since he started high school.

7. 1. for 2. since 3. since 4. for 5. since 6. for


1. have designed; since

2. has played; for

3. has studied; since

4. has had; for

5. has lived; for

6. have been; since


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