Past continuous. Ответы Упражнения по грамматике

Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form.


1. Mrs Volovets _wasn't walking_ (not/walk) in the garden when the murder happened.

2. Mr Chuck _was working_ (work) in his study when the murder happened.

3. Miss Rizu _wasn't talking_ (not/talk) to Mr. Volovets when the murder happened.

4. You _were playing_ (play) cards when the murder happened.

5. Dr Frank _wasn't reading_ (not/read) in his room when the murder happened.

6. Mr. and Mrs. Yanuvuch _were not eating_ (not/eat) in the dining room when the murder happened.

7. Mr Crews _was drinking_ (drink) coffee in the library when the murder happened.

8. The maid _wasn't cleaning_ (not/clean) the bedrooms when the murder happened.

9. I _wasn't listening_ (not/listen) to music when the murder happened.

10. The dogs _were playing_ (play) outside when the murder happened.


1. When I called my friends, they (play) _were playing_ monopoly.

2. Yesterday at seven I (prepare) _was preparing_ dinner.

3. The kids (play) _were playing_ in the garden when it suddenly began to snow.

4. I (practice) _was practicing_ the piano when he came home.

5. We (not / cycle) _were not cycling_ all day yesterday.

6. While Ruslan (work) _was working_ in his room, his friends (swim) _were swimming_ in the pool.

7. I tried to tell them the truth but they (not / listen ) _were not listening_.

8. What (you / do) _were you doing_ two days ago?

9. Most of the time they (sit) _were sitting_ in the park.

10. I (listen) _was listening_ to the radio while my brother (watch) _was watching_ TV.

11. When I arrived, they (play) _were playing_ cards.

12. We (study) _were studying_ English yesterday at 5:00 pm.


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