Science and Technology Advanced vocabulary

Computer, IT & Internet Vocabulary

AI (artificial intelligence) – Computer systems that can perform tasks without human assistance

Boot-up / Start-up – To start a computer

Computer literacy – The ability to use a computer and its functions

Cyber-crime – Crime committed over the internet such as fraud and identity theft.

Personal data – The information held by websites/companies on internet users and customers

Database – A structured set of data held in a computer

Device/gadget – A small mechanical/electrical tool such as a phone

Hacker – A person who accesses data illegally

Hardware – Tools, physical devices, and machinery such as computers and monitors

Internetsecurity – Security processes aimed at deterring crime and exploitation

Laptop – A portable personal computer

Online – Connected to the internet

PC (personalcomputer) – A computer used mainly by people at home, such as a desktop PC

Privacy – A person’s right to keep their data private

Reboot – To restart a computer

Socialmedia – Websites designed for people to socialise and interact

Software – Computer programs and games

Technophobe – A person who is not very good at using technology

Tech-savvy – A person who is good at using technology

Tobrowse – Scan through a text or website

Tocrash – When the operating system or program stops functioning correctly

Tosurftheinternet – To navigate different websites on the internet

Viral – To become extremely popular online

Virus – Malicious software designed to cause damage to computer systems

Website – A set of pages on the internet typically produced by an organization or person

Wi-Fi – A system that allows connection to the internet without cables

General Science & Technology Vocabulary

Affect – To cause or provoke change

Attribute – A quality or characteristic of something

Breakthrough – A new or dramatic discovery or advancement

Cloning – To reproduce genetically identical organisms

Evidence – The facts that show whether beliefs and opinions are valid

Experiment – The process of testing a theory or demonstrating known fact

Genetically modified – Something that has had its genetical structure altered

High-tech – Something that is or uses advanced new technology

Impact – The effect of something

Invention – A new process or device

Mechanism – A system of parts working together in a particular process

Obsolete – No longer produced or not useful because it is too old

Outdated – Not effective because it is too old or uses old technology

Placebo – An inactive substance used in experiments as a control to test new drugs

Plausible – Something that is reasonable or possible

Revolutionise – To change something drastically and fundamentally

State of the art – The most Science and Technology

Systematic – Done according to a fixed plan or system

Vocabulary for Science Domain& Scientists

Astronomy – The study of space and the universe – Astronomist

Biology – The study of living organisms – Biologist

Botany – The study of plants – Botanist

Chemistry – The study of the substances of which matter is composed – Chemist

Computation – The study of computers and IT – Computer scientist

Ecology – The study of the environment – Ecologist

Forensics – The use of scientific methods to investigate crime – Forensicscientist

Genetics – The study of genes and hereditary characteristics – Geneticist

Neuroscience – The study of the brain – Neuroscientist

Physics – The study of the nature and properties of matter and energy – Physician

Psychology – The study of the mind and behaviour – Psychologist

Virology – The study of viruses – Virologist

Zoology – The study of the structure and classification of animals – Zoologist

Vocabulary to talk about Inventions

turn something on its head:  change something completely  

a landline:   conventional cable phone 

the exception, not the rule: something very uncommon

out of this world: unimaginable 

so much more than (something): much more complex than

come to expect: become accustomed to 

keep up with the (latest news): know what is currently happening

stop and think (for a moment): take a pause to think about something

the stuff of science fiction: the content of sci-fi fantasies, unreal

the downside: the negative aspect

not all good news: not everything is positive

bury your head in (something): be completely involved in something (a book, your phone)

have an adverse effect on: have a negative result 

a fact of life: something we all accept as true

here to stay: something which will be permanent

Technology Vocabulary

Access to the Internet – Able to connect to the Internet

Advances in technology – Progressive forward movement in technology

Back up your files – To save your data to another device

Become rapidly obsolete – Quickly become out of date

Computer literate – Adequate knowledge of a computer

Control remotely – To control technology from a distance

Downloading from the Internet – Take data off one computer to another via the Internet

Electronic Funds Transfer – EFT Payment via the Internet

Emerging technology – Brand new machines and software

Glued to the screen – Unable or unwilling to leave the digital device

Hacking into the network – To gain illegal access to the computer

Internet access – The ability to enter the Internet

Internet of Things – A network connecting machines in a location so that they can be remotely controlled

Internet-enabled – Machines or appliances that have Internet access

Keep a hard copy – Keep a paper copy

Labour-saving device – An appliance that saves work

Not rocket science – It is not very difficult

Online piracy – The downloading of licenced media without payment

Re-install the programs – To put computer programs back onto the computer

Shop online – Shop via the Internet

Shut down – Turn the computer off

Social media networks – Online platforms for communication between people and organisations

State-of-the-art technology – The best technology available

Surfing the web – To move from one site to another on the Internet

To click on an icon – To use the mouse to click on the pictures to get into programs

To crash – To stop working suddenly

To Log in – To sign onto the computer

To upgrade your computer system – To get a larger, quicker or more modern computer

Wireless hotspots – A location where the Internet is available

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