Language Advanced vocabulary

General Languages Vocabulary

A global language –A language that is understood almost everywhere you go. For example, English.

Accent – A distinctive type of pronunciation determined by a person’s country/region

A Latin/Romance language – Languages that evolved from Latin. For example, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese

A minority language – A language spoken by less than 50% of the people in a region/country

Articulate – Possessing the ability to speak coherently and fluently

Bilingual – The ability to speak two languages

Common language – Language that can be understood by two or more people.

Cultural identity – Part of a person’s self-perceived identity related to culture, nationality, language etc…

Daunting – Frightening

Dominant language – The language spoken the most, either by a person or in a place

Fluency – The ability to use a foreign language correctly and easily

Indigenous languages – Languages that are native to a specific region and spoken by indigenous people. For example, Mayan, Quechua etc…

Language acquisition – The process of perceiving, understanding, and learning a language

Linguist – A person who studies languages

Linguistics – The study of languages

Multilingual – A person who speaks more than two languages

Persistent – To keep trying at something

Rapport – The friendliness and harmony you establish with someone by interacting/talking to them

Second language – A language spoken in addition to your native language

To instruct – To teach someone a subject or ability such as a language

To learn – To acquire or gain knowledge

To reproduce language – To use language that has been previously learnt

To speak /To Talk – Say something to convey information, feelings, and opinions

Widely spoken – Spoken by a large number of people or in many places

Language Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Collocations

A competitive edge – An advantage based on success or competence

At a loss for words – Unable to speak because of shock or surprise

Colourful/Fruity language – Language that contains lots of swear words or profanities

Flowery language – When complicated words are used instead of simple ones

Grab one’s attention – Something that makes you interested

In plain English – In a simple, non-complicated way

Learn by heart – To memorise something

Look up – To search for a word in a dictionary

Make out – To understand/comprehend words or language

Native language/Mother tongue – The language a person grows up speaking

Open up – To become less shy and more communicative

Oral skills – The ability/proficiency at speaking

Pick up a language – To learn a language

Polish up on /Brush up on – To practice or improve  something previously learnt

Predominantly in/ spoken in – Mostly in / Spoken mostly in

Speak a language – Have the ability to express yourself in a particular language

Speak up – To increase the volume of speech / To express your opinion about something

Speaking the same language – Shared feelings and ideas. Not necessarily about language.

Talking in circles – Not getting directly to the point

Technical language – Advanced vocabulary that is usually subject-specific. For example, medical or legal English

Watch your language – Be careful about the words you choose. Often said when someone is saying profanity or swear words

Words fail me – So shocked or surprised that you don’t know what to say

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