Food and Cooking Advanced vocabulary

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Words Meaning Usage
Fresh Food products which are recently prepared The store around the corner has fresh curd today
Bake Food cooked with dry heat and without exposing it to flames He loves baking as he recently completed his nutrition course
Grill Food cooked using a grill KCF serves grilled chicken
Slice A small portion or part I will only eat a slice of cake as I am on a diet
Spoonful As much as a spoon can hold I consume one spoonful of sugar in coffee
Delicious Something very tasty This dish is very delicious
Spicy Flavoured with spices Indian foods are full of spicy ingredients
Tasteless Without any taste or flavour This coffee house serves tasteless snacks
Savoury Delicious or Tasty My brother knows how to cook savoury food
Cuisine A method or way of cooking specific to a region or area Indian cuisines are served all around the world
Four-course meal 1 mean consist of 4 parts: soup, appetiser, main course and dessert Indias serves four-course meals during a wedding
Appetiser The food served after the soup and before the main course Can you serve us something in Chinese as appetise
Barbeque Food cooked over an open fire on a special appliance or outdoors Barbeque dishes first originated in Western nations
Swallow Eating food without chewing it You might choke yourself if you swallow food
Buffet A meal which includes various dishes that guests have to serve for themselves Buffets serves some really delicious food
Poach Cooking eggs without their outer shell in boiling water Poached eggs taste better

Vocabulary to talk about cafés

not look like much: the appearance is not very attractive

the first thing that hits you is: the first impression or sensation you have

be after something: want something 

home-made: not commercially bought

run something: in charge of or responsible for

happen to pass by: be there by chance

fancy a bite to eat: have the desire to eat something 

give them all a miss: to avoid or say “no” to

go for: to make a choice out of preference

come back for more: return and ask for the same again 

soak up the atmosphere: enjoy listening to people and looking at your surroundings  

feel like a home from home:  a place where you feel welcome and comfortable

hurry you up: make you finish quickly and leave

put so much into the place: work very hard to make something successful

find the time to pass the time of day with someone: make time to talk about everyday things

Food vocabulary

A balanced diet – A diet of mostly healthy food that has the right amount of nutrients

A bottle of bubbly – Sparkling wine

A decadent chocolate pudding – Luxurious or self-indulgent chocolate pudding

A doggy bag – The leftovers of a meal in a restaurant taken home

A scrumptious meal – A delicious meal

A slap up meal – an expensive or very indulgent ‘treat’ meal

A sweet tooth – An enjoyment of sweet food

An English breakfast – A large cooked breakfast that includes egg and bacon

Calm the hunger pangs – To reduce the discomfort caused by hunger

Candle lit dinner – A romantic dinner by candlelight

Covered in a rich sauce – Covered in a creamy gravy

Cut down on – To reduce consumption

Daily consumption – The amount that you eat everyday

Dying of hunger – Very hungry

Exotic meals – Meals that originate in other countries

Fine dining – Food catering to expensive tastes in a formal setting

Food preparation – Preparing food

Food production – Producing food

Fussy eater – Someone dislikes many foods

Home-cooked meals – Meals cooked at home

Homemade food – Food made at home

Junk food – Food with little nutritional value

Leafy vegetables – Vegetables such as spinach and cabbage

Mouth-watering meals – Delicious meals

Nutritious food – Food with many nutrients

Quick snack – a small meal that’s easy to eat ‘on the go’.

Packed with vitamins – Full of vitamins

Piping hot cup of coffee – Very hot coffee

Pub lunch – Lunch served in a bar

Rabbit food – Salad vegetables

Ready meals – Heat and eat meals

Refined carbohydrates – Foods such as white rice, white bread

Savouring the food – Enjoying the food

Scrumptious meal – An exceptionally tasty meal

Seasonal fruits – Fruits that grow in season

Starving hungry – Extremely hungry

Wining and dining – Entertainment that includes good food

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