Fashion, Design and Shopping Advanced vocabulary


Clothes horse: someone who really likes to buy nice clothes

Well put together: describes someone who looks good and who has made effort to do so

Pick up: buy

Bargain price: a discounted price

Be up on the latest trends: to be informed of what is fashionable

Social media feed: the updated list of new content available on various social media platforms

In fashion: fashionable

Replicate: to copy

Looks: appearance

Lower priced: inexpensive, cheap

A fraction of the cost: a small part of the total cost

A (great) eye for something: able to notice or make correct judgments about something

Clothes rack: rail where clothes are hung for display

Shoe display: place where shoes are shown

Level of attention: the amount of attention someone pays to something

Luxury goods: things that are very expensive to buy but are not considered necessities

High-end designers: people who design products sold at very high prices

Out of my price range: describes something that is too expensive for someone to buy

Incomparable: cannot be compared because it is so good

Over the top: extreme, excessive, exaggerated

Avant garde: describes music, art, etc, that are unconventional or experimental

Ambience: the atmosphere of a location

Unparalleled: exceptional; in a category of its own because of its excellence

Customer service: the assistance given to customers of a product or service

Top-notch: high quality

Blow money on something: spend large amounts of money

“it” item: something very fashionable

Place pressure on: to try to influence or persuade

Stay current: to be up to date

Spoiled for choice: to have a lot of options available to you

High street: the main street where shops, banks and businesses are located.

Unfathomable: unimaginable

e-shops: stores that do business online

click of a button: on a computer or device, something that requires very little effort

at your doorstep: at your home or near where you live

superimposed: when something is placed over something else so that the image of both items is clear

frame: the size and shape of someone's body

digital imagery: the collection of pixels on a screen that create an image

brick and mortar stores: a physical shop as opposed to an online shop

counterparts: someone who does the same job as someone else somewhere else

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