School and Education Advanced vocabulary

Vocabulary words related to education and definitions:














authentic: real, true

old-school strict: traditional learning with punishments and controlling teachers

teacher centred: where the teacher is leading the class

encourage collaboration: learning together through discussions

pressure to meet deadlines: having to finish work by a certain time / date

assignments: homework or essays

sail through them: not to have to work hard and to find things easy

learning expectations: what the teacher expects from their student

role plays: acting out a situation to simulate or practice it

dictation: writing down what the teacher says, accurately and fast.

breakthrough: a new development

inspiring: something which makes you want to do better

intonation: the ‘singing’ sound of speech

paid off: was worth the effort

outdated: old fashioned

league tables: tables which rank the position of schools according to  academic success

alumni: students who used to go to a certain school or college

boarding school: where students live at school during the term time

extra- curricular activities: anything NOT academic, eg sport, drama

peer group: students of your own age, in your class

remote: not being physically there / learning via computer

Vocabulary list and definitions:

Challenging: academically difficult

Day in, day out: full time without a break

Wide-ranging: covering a large spectrum / area of different knowledge

Undergraduate: studying for a degree but having not yet achieved it.

Postgraduate: having achieved a degree and now studying for a higher qualification, possibly a professional qualification

STEM subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths

Further education: studies after leaving school

Technical colleges: places which do not demand such high entrance qualifications as university

Vocational studies: focus on learning or mastering a skill

Hands-on training: practical work/ learning

To apply for a course: the process of registering for a university

To get an (un)conditional offer: an offer which does not depend on previous exam results

Halls of residence / student accommodation: a particular place to live for students

Student union: an organisation for students / sometimes a physical place

A fresher / an undergraduate / a graduate: a new student, someone studying for a Bachelors degree, a student who has finished their Degree

A graduation ceremony: a formal occasion when Degrees are given out

To take a gap year: a year between study and university

To drop out of university: to leave before the course is finished

Out of my depth: finding work / study too hard

Seminar: smaller class of students with a Professor leading the discussion

Lecture theatre: large building for a talk / lecture

Extensive research: in-depth work done in a particular academic field

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