Environment and Pollution Advanced vocabulary

General Climate Change Vocabulary

Chemical/Natural fertiliser – A substance containing chemicals designed to increase the amount of crops/ A natural substance used to increase the amount of crops

CO2/Carbon dioxide – A gas that is produced when carbon is burnt and absorbed by plants

Contaminate – Make something impure by adding additional substances/pollutants

Crops – A plant that is grown as food

Deforestation – The cutting down of trees from forests.

Ecosystems – A community of organisms and their relationship to the environment

Fossil fuels – A natural fuel that is formed from dead organisms. For example, oil, gas, and coal

Global warming – The gradual rise in the earth’s temperature

Grazing – The land where farm animals eat grass and plants

Groundwater – Water that is held underground in soil

Land degradation – The reduction of biological productivity of the soil

Landslides – The rapid downward movement of rocks and earth, often after heavy rain

Organic – Produced without the use of chemicals

Sustainable – Able to be performed at a level that does not cause damage

Water bodies – Any geographical feature containing water. For example, rivers, lakes, ponds etc…

Climate Change Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Collocations

A drop in the ocean – An amount so small that it does not help the overall problem

Carbon footprint – The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by a person or group’s activities

Cool down – To reduce in temperature

Cut down on – To lower the consumption of something or reduce the practice of something

Die out – To become extinct or not in use

Electric vehicles – Vehicles that use batteries and not fossil fuels

Environmentally conscious – A person who considers how their actions impact the environment

Food miles – How far food travels from where it is produced to where it is consumed

Get out of hand – To become out of control

Greenwashing – To mislead people into thinking something is more environmentally friendly than it actually is.

Harmful gases – Gases that cause environmental damage

Heat up – To become hotter in temperature

Hybrid vehicles – Vehicles that use a combination of battery and fossil fuels

Phase-out – To slowly reduce the use of something

Raise livestock – To keep and take care of animals to produce meat, eggs, milk etc…

Run out of something – To not have any more available

Scale down – Reduce the use or practice or something

See with your own eyes – To see something in person rather than hearing about it from someone else

Wipe out – To eliminate something or make extinct

Vocabulary for Environment

Atmosphere – The combination of gasses surrounding the earth

Biodegradable – Something that can decay naturally without causing harm

Climate change – The warming of the earth’s climate as a result of human action

CO2 / Carbon Dioxide – The gas formed when carbon burns or when animals and people exhale

Conservation – The act of trying to preserve and protect the environment

Conservationist – A person engaged in protecting the environment

Contamination – The presence of a substance in a place where it does not belong, or at higher levels than normal

Energy conservation – The process of using less energy

Environment – The air, land, and water where animals and people live

Environmentalist – A person who campaigns or acts for the protection of the environment

Environmentally-friendly – Something that does not harm the environment

Pollution – The environmental harm caused by contamination to either land, water, or air

Renewable energy – Energy sourced from wind, sun, or water

Rural – A location outside a large city or town.

Solar power – Energy sourced from the sun

Urban – A city or town location

Vocabulary for Plants & Animals

Agriculture/ Farming – The production of meat, vegetables, or other foods from plants or animals

Anatomy – The physical parts of a plant or animal

Biodiversity – The range of different plants or animals that create a balanced environment

Breed – (n) A type of animal that has been bred by humans in a specific way. For example, dogs, cats, and farm animals

Breed – (v) The act of reproduction in animals

Carnivore – A plant or animal that eats meat

Ecology – The relationship between plants, other living things, and the environment / A field of study

Ecosystem – The plants and animals in a specific area and their relationship to the environment – Below are the main types of ecosystem – Desert – High temperature / low rainfall – Less diversity of plants and animals – Freshwater – The plants and animals in ponds, lakes, and rivers – Grassland – High amounts of grass with few trees – Highly diverse range of wildlife – Jungle/Rainforest – High rainfall / high temperature – Highly diverse range of wildlife – Savannah – High temperature / moderate rainfall – Diverse range of plants/wildlife – Temperateforest – Climate varies with seasons – Highly diverse range of vegetation/wildlife – Tundra – Low temperature/ Close to the polar areas so biodiversity is low

Birds – An egg-laying animal with feathers, wings, and a beak. Can usually fly.

Endangered species – A type of animal that is in danger of becoming extinct

Evolve – The process of adapting with time to survive changes in the environment

Extinct – No longer existing

Fauna – The animals living in a specific area

Flora – The plants in a specific area

Fungus – An organism that grows on plants or decaying matter, for example, mushrooms.

Habitat – The place where a plant grows or where an animal lives

Herbivore – Eats a plant-based diet

Hibernation – A state of deep sleep that many animals do during the winter months

Insects – A small animal with 6 legs and often including wings

Livestock – The animals kept on a farm

Mammal – An animal that gives birth to live offspring and feeds its young milk.

Marine – Plants and animals that are related to the sea

Migrate – To move from one place to another with the change of season

Nocturnal – Active at night

Omnivore – Eats both plants and meat

Protected species – A type of plant or animal which has legal protections

Reptile – A cold-blooded animal with scales that lays eggs. For example, snakes, crocodiles, and lizards

Soil – The top layer of earth where plants and trees grow from

Species – A group that shares the same characteristics and can reproduce

Vocabulary for Environmental Issues

Air quality – A measure of how clean or polluted the air is

Deforestation/reforestation – Cutting down of trees/planting of trees

Drought – A period of low rainfall which often causes crops to fail

Environmental disaster – A catastrophic event for the natural environment

Environmental hazard – A substance, state, or event that threatens the environment

Flood – A flow of water over what is normally dry land

Fossil fuels – Coal, oil, and natural gas

Glacial melt – Ice changing from a solid to a liquid because of warming temperatures

Greenhouse effect – The capture of heat in the lower atmosphere due to gases

Landfill – The place where non-recyclable waste is buried and covered with soil

Litter – Rubbish which has been left in a public place

Oil spill – accidental discharge of oil into bodies of water

Poaching – Illegal hunting of animals

Recyclable – Something that can be recycled and reused

Recycling – The process of collecting disused material and making it suitable for use again

Single-use plastics – Plastics that cannot be used more than once

Smog – Haze or fog caused by atmospheric pollutants such as CO2 or smoke

Sustainability – The ability to maintain activity at a level that doesn’t harm the environment

Toxicwaste – Waste that can cause environmental harm

Word list and definitions

outskirts of large towns: areas outside the city centre, suburbs or industrial district

factory emissions: smoke and pollution from factories

toxic fumes: smoke which is poisonous

traffic jams: large queues of cars not moving

pollutants in foods: dangerous chemicals

pesticides: chemicals to keep bugs and animals away from plants

chemical fertilizers: chemicals added to make soil stronger

commute to work: drive or travel to work every day

Mantra: frequently repeated statement

reuse and recycle: use products again or find another purpose for them

industrial waste is incinerated: waste which is burnt

facilities for recycling: places where you can dispose of plastic / cardboard

education programme: teaching and learning in school or elsewhere

consequences: the outcomes

interspersed with (birds): mingled with, mixed with

campaign: high profile policy for the public

scientists predict: ideas for the future

disintegrate: break down into small particles

microplastics: very tiny pieces

single-use applications: use once then throw out

own- brand products: unique to the shop or supermarket

policy should be rolled out: implemented all over the country

documentaries: factual TV programmes

Vocabulary list and definitions:

The ravages of something: destruction of something

Hybrid car: a car that uses both petrol and electricity

Carbon footprint: how much carbon dioxide is released as a result of one’s activities

Recycle: breaking down products to create new products from the materials

Growing season: the time of the year when plants grow

Yields: amount of a crop produced

Crops: a plant grown in large amounts

Eco-conscious: describes someone who shows concern for the environment

Natural fertilizer: fertilizers that come from animal waste, animal matter or plant matter

Chemical fertilizer: fertilizers that are made from synthetic materials

Contaminate: to make something impure, poisonous or polluted

Groundwater: water that is below the earth’s surface

Vegetable scraps: bits of vegetables that are discarded

Non-chemical compost: decaying matter such as food, leaves or manure used to fertilize soil

Organic: describes something that does not use chemical fertilizers

Commute: travel to and from work

Solar panels: panels that collect rays from the sun to be used as energy for electricity or heating

Household cleaning products: products that are used to clean one’s home

Time-consuming: describes something that takes a lot of time

Environmentally conscious: when a person or business is aware of their effect on the environment and attempts to minimize this affect

Green lifestyle: a way of living that attempts to reduce usage of water & power, waste and toxic substances

Sustainable: describes something that causes minimal damage to the environment

Emulate: to copy someone’s behavior out of respect

Conventional products: products that have been in use for a long time

Energy saving: describe products designed to reduce use of electricity or other form of energy

Fuel emissions: gases that lead to air pollution through the burning of fuel

Electric cars: vehicles that run on electricity

Food miles: the distance food travels from the time it is produced until it reaches its end customer

Local food: food that is produced a short distance from where it is consumed

Fossil fuels: coal, gas or oil that is used in industry, homes and vehicles

Carbon monoxide: a dangerous gas produced from the partial burning of fuels

Dispose: throw away

Waterways: lakes, rivers, oceans and canals

Ecosystem: the geographic area where animals, plants and other organisms interact

Natural habitat: the area where a plant or animal normally lives

Tackle: to try to deal with a problem

Collective effort: when a group of people try to do something

Forge: to create something strong or successful

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