Happiness Advanced vocabulary

General Happiness Vocabulary

Amused – To find something entertaining or funny

Content/Satisfied – In a state of peaceful happiness

Delighted – To feel a high amount of pleasure

Depend on/Rely on – To need something or someone for help or support

Ecstatic/Elated/Euphoric – To feel overwhelming happiness or excitement

Exuberant – Filled with energy or excitement

Free time/Spare time – The time a person has available to engage in recreational activities

Jolly – Happy and cheerful

Jubilant – To feel great happiness or triumph, often after a victory or success of some kind

Loved ones – The people close to you. I.e. family and close friends

Mental well-being – The state in which an individual copes or manages the stresses of life

Optimistic/Pessimistic – Someone who always has a positive/negative outlook

Satisfaction – The fulfilment of wishes, hopes, needs, or expectations

Serene – Calm and peaceful

To adore – To really enjoy or love something

To loathe – To hate something intensely

To tackle – To deal with a problem or task

Workload – The among of work a person performs in their job/life

Happiness Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Collocations

A fool’s paradise – A false state of happiness in which a person is either unaware of problems or chooses to ignore them

A state of bliss – To be in a state of complete happiness or joy

Choke up – To be unable to speak because of feelings of sadness and the urge to cry

Circle of friends – A group of friends

Down in the dumps – To feel very sad or disappointed

Financial burden – A responsibility related to paying money

Fly off the handle – To lose one’s temper and become angry

Grinning from ear to ear – To have an extremely big smile

Happy-go-lucky – Cheerful and unconcerned about the future

Hot under the collar – To become embarrassed or angry

In stitches – Laughing uncontrollably

Jumping for joy – To be extremely happy

Lash out – To respond aggressively to someone

Let off some steam – To do something that helps you get rid of strong feelings of energy, stress, or tension

Light up – When a person’s face suddenly looks happy and joyful

Look forward to – To be enthusiastic about a future event

Mental breakdown – A period of intense mental stress that impairs a person’s function

On cloud nine – To be extremely happy

On top of the world – To be extremely happy

Part and parcel – A necessary and basic part of something

Settle down – To start a steady and stable life with a job, house, and family

To lose it – To become extremely angry and lose one’s temper

Walking on air – To be extremely happy

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