Social Media Advanced vocabulary

General Media Vocabulary

Breaking news – Information about events currently occurring or developing

Broadsheet – A newspaper printed on larger paper and is viewed as more serious and trustworthy than tabloids

Biased – Unfairly favouring or opposing something or someone

Censorship – The suppression of any books/films/news etc that are deemed threatening, obscene, or politically unacceptable

Credibility – How reliable, trustworthy, or believable something is

Free press – Media outlets are allowed to report on stories with little or no interference from governments.

Editorial – An article written by the editor that gives a view on a topical issue

Fake news/Disinformation – Untrue information/news intended to mislead

Frontpage news – The most important story that appears on the front page

Headline – The title at the top of a news article

Journalism – The act of investigating news

Journalists – People that investigate or report on the news for media outlets

Mainstream media/Mass media – Media that can reach large numbers of people in a short time. Designed for mass consumption. For example, the BBC, CNN, the New York Times etc.

Obituaries – The section of the newspaper that reports on deaths/ A short written passage about someone who has died

Paparazzi – Freelance photographers who follow celebrities in order to take photos

Press conference – An interview involving a person of interest who answers questions or provides information to the press

Print media – Media that is printed on paper. For example, newspapers and magazines

Propaganda – Biased or misleading information used to promote a particular cause

Tabloid – A smaller sized newspaper that is typically filled with sensational popular stories. Often regarded as unserious and sensationalist.

Internet/Online Media Vocabulary

To block – To prevent someone from using or seeing a particular account or service online

Blog – A regularly updated page or website that is usually managed by one person or a small group

Alternative media – Media content that is generally independent and non-mainstream

To browse – To view different webpages on the internet

Clickbait – Internet content where the main intention is to draw attention and persuade users to click on a link to a particular webpage

Crowdfunding – Funding projects by using lots of small donations from internet users

Ecommerce – Businesses and transactions operating on the internet

To follow – To subscribe to the page of a person or organisation on a social media platform

Hacker – A person who gains unauthorised access to information/accounts online

Influencer – A person who influences consumers online by promoting or discussing products/services

Internet/Online safety –The process of staying safe from fraud, exploitation, or other malicious acts online

Livestream – To broadcast content live on the internet

Phishing – Sending fraudulent emails to entice people into providing personal information or money

Premium content – Internet content that must be subscribed to and paid for

Trending – Something that has become extremely popular online

Troll – A person who deliberately offends or upsets other people online

Sensationalism – Exaggerated news that is designed to get people’s attention by shocking them

Tweet(v) – To make a post on the social media site Twitter

Viral – A story or post that has become extremely popular online

Media, Phrasal Verbs, Idioms and Collocations

Behind closed doors – In private

Blow over – Something that will gradually disappear

Cover up – To hide illegal or illicit activity from the public

Hit the headlines – To become news or gather a lot of publicity for something

Hot of the press – Very recent news

Keep up with – To stay informed about certain events/news

Leaked to the press – The unauthorised release of information to the media

Pull the wool over someone’s eyes – To deceive someone,usually by giving false information

Take by storm – To become popular or successful extremely quickly

Tone down – To make something less intense, harsh, or extreme

Turn a blind eye – To willingly pretend not to notice something, usually an illicit activity or rule-breaking

Whistle-blower – A person who leaks information to the press

General Social Media Vocabulary

Blog – A regularly updated page or website that is usually managed by one person or a small group

Clickbait – Internet content where the main intention is to draw attention and persuade users to click on a link to a particular webpage

Crowdfunding – Funding projects by using lots of small donations from internet users

Cyberbullying – Using the internet to send threatening or intimidating messages

Data Privacy – How private your user data is kept

Ecommerce – Businesses and transactions operating on the internet

Hacker – A person who gains unauthorised access to information/accounts online

Influencer – A person who influences consumers online by promoting or discussing products/services

Meme – An illustration/photo or text that is intended to spread jokes/amusing ideas

Phishing – Sending fraudulent emails to entice people into providing personal information or money

Premium Content – Internet content that must be subscribed to and paid for

Sensationalism – Exaggerated news that is designed to get people’s attention by shocking them

Streaming – The live continuous transmission of video/audio content

To block – To prevent someone from using or seeing a particular account or service online

To browse – To view different web pages on the internet

To follow – To subscribe to the page of a person or organisation on a social media platform

To scroll – To move up and down on a screen

To swipe – To move from left to right on a screen

Trending – Something that has become extremely popular online

Troll – A person who deliberately offends or upsets other people online

Tweet(v) – To make a post on the social media site Twitter / (n) A Twitter post

Viral – A story or post that has become extremely popular online

Social Media Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, and Collocations

Add a friend – To give access to your profile to a person a Facebook and gain access to their profile

Alternative media – Media content that is generally independent and non-mainstream

Come across – To find something by accident

Get hooked on – To become addicted to something

Internet/Online safety – The process of staying safe from fraud, exploitation, or other malicious acts online

Jump on the bandwagon – To like something because it is popular with other people

Killing time – To engage in an activity aimed at wasting or passing time

Log on/Log in – To go through the process of entering a computer system/program/website

See eye to eye – To agree or have similar attitudes or views

Send an attachment – To send a file/document/photo with an email

Spread the word – To communicate information/messages to lots of people

Take by storm – To become highly successful very quickly

Take off – To become successful

To crash – To suddenly stop working

Unfriend – To remove the access someone has to your Facebook and delete your access to their profile

Update your status – Post new information about your current state/situation on a social media site

Virtual friends – Friends that have only met online and not in-person


Viral: if a post/ video is viral or “has gone viral,” that means it is spreading very rapidly across the internet,

Troll: used as a verb and a noun. A troll is a person who purposely creates offensive or provocative posts or comments to arouse anger in other social media users.

Hater: a person who posts negative or critical comments about others

Vlogger: a person who regularly creates short videos to be posted online

Meme: a humorous image or text that is easily sent to others over the internet

Anonymity: The state of being anonymous, of people not knowing your identity

DM: direct message

Emoji: a small digital image used in social media/ emails/ text to display an emotion, object or idea

Badger: to bother someone repeatedly

Derogatory: offensive, hurtful, disrespectful

Censor: to keep certain images. Texts, etc from being displayed or published because it is offensive or immoral

Follow: to subscribe to the page of a person or business on social media

Harass: to create a hostile situation through written or verbal communication

Catfishing: the act of creating a false internet profile in order to deceive or scam someone

Grooming: preparing someone (often a minor) over the internet in order to eventually commit a sexual offense

Influencer: a person who promotes a product online to his/her followers so that they may purchase it

Photoshop: software that allows users to digitally alter their images

Filters: preset photo enhancements that users can select to apply to their images or videos

Block: stopping or banning someone from interacting with you on social media or viewing your posts/ profile

Scam: a dishonest attempt to trick or cheat you

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