Spendthrift, Vigorous, Abstruse, Admonish - Advanced vocabulary


Spendthrift (adj.)


Synonyms: Wasteful, irresponsible, big spender

Meaning: Characterized by wasteful or extravagant spending habits.

Common collocations: spendthrift behavior, spendthrift lifestyle, spendthrift spender

Example sentence: The spendthrift habits of some politicians were criticized by many citizens, especially during times of economic hardship.


Vigorous (adj.)


Synonyms: Robust, energetic, lively

Meaning: Full of physical strength, vitality, or energy.

Common collocations: vigorous debate, vigorous effort, vigorous growth

Example sentence: After a vigorous workout at the gym, she felt refreshed and invigorated.


Abstruse (adj.)


Synonyms: Complex, obscure, difficult

Meaning: Difficult to understand (often about concepts or ideas).

Common collocations: abstruse theory, abstruse language, abstruse concept, abstruse subject

Example sentence: The professor's lecture on quantum mechanics was so abstruse that few students were able to grasp its main idea.


Admonish (v.)


Synonyms: Reprimand, scold, caution

Meaning: To warn or reprimand someone firmly.

Common collocations: admonish someone, admonish against, admonish for, admonish with caution

Example sentence: The teacher admonished the students for talking during the exam.

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