Mesmerize, Obsolete, Obscure, Pungent - Advanced vocabulary


Mesmerize (v.)


Synonyms: Enthrall, captivate, fascinate

Meaning: To have someone's attention completely so that they cannot think of anything else.

Common collocations: mesmerize audience, mesmerize viewers, mesmerize with / by

Example sentence: I was completely mesmerized by her performance yesterday.


Obsolete (adj.)


Synonyms: Outdated, old-fashioned, no longer in use

Meaning: No longer in use or no longer useful.

Common collocations: obsolete technology, obsolete equipment, obsolete language, obsolete practice

Example sentence: We need to replace some of our obsolete equipment.


Obscure (adj.)


Synonyms: Ambiguous, unclear, mysterious

Meaning: Not clear and difficult to understand or see.

Common collocations: obscure meaning, obscure language, obscure origin, obscure artist

Example sentence: His answers were obscure and confusing.


Pungent (adj.)


Synonyms: Strong, sharp, intense

Meaning: Having a strong, sharp, or penetrating smell, taste or effect.

Common collocations: pungent odor, pungent flavor, pungent scent

Example sentence: She is very good at writing pungent, funny dialogues.

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