Frugal (adj.)
Synonyms: Thrifty, economical, sparing
Meaning: Careful to buy only what is necessary.
Common collocations: frugal lifestyle, frugal habits, frugal spender, frugal meal
Example sentence: Dan was very frugal, and would often use a tea bag three or four times over.
Famished (adj.)
Synonyms: Hungry, starving, ravenous
Meaning: Extremely hungry.
Common collocations: famished appetite, famished feeling, famished state
Example sentence: What's for dinner? I'm absolutely famished.
Gullible (adj.)
Synonyms: Naive, unskeptical, trusting
Meaning: Easily deceived or tricked because of being too trusting or naive.
Common collocations: gullible person, gullible nature, gullible belief
Example sentence: How can you be so gullible! He isn't telling you the truth!
Indolent (adj.)
Synonyms: Lazy, idle, sluggish
Meaning: Showing no real interest or effort.
Common collocations: indolent behavior, indolent attitude, indolent lifestyle
Example sentence: Despite having many responsibilities, he remained indolent, spending most of his days doing nothing.