Rectify, Startle, Studious, Sorrowful - Advanced vocabulary


Rectify (v.)


Synonyms: Correct, fix, amend

Meaning: To correct or make sonething right.

Common collocations: rectify mistake, rectify error, rectify problem, rectify situation

Example sentence: I will do my best to rectify the situation, make up for the damages.


Startle (v.)


Synonyms: Astonish, stagger, terrify

Meaning: To do something unexpected that surprises and worries a person.

Example sentence: Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.


Studious (adj.)


Synonyms: Diligent, hardworking, scholarly

Meaning: A studious person enjoys studying or spends a lot of time studying.

Common collocations: studious student, studious behavior, studious attitude, studious dedication

Example sentence: The report was obviously prepared with studious care and attention.


Sorrowful (adj.)


Synonyms: Mournful, sad, grief-stricken

Meaning: Full of sadness or grief; expressing or characterized by sorrow or mourning.

Common collocations: sorrowful expression, sorrowful eyes, sorrowful heart, sorrowful occasion

Example sentence: The widow stood by the graveside with a sorrowful expression, mourning the loss of her husband.

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