Impoverished, Illegible, Lenient, Mediocre - Advanced vocabulary


Impoverished (adj.)


Synonyms: Poor, deprived, needy

Meaning: Extremely poor or deprived.

Common collocations: impoverished community, impoverished family, impoverished nation, impoverished conditions

Example sentence: The war left many families in the region impoverished, struggling to meet even their basic needs for food and shelter.


Illegible (adj.)


Synonyms: Unreadable, unintelligible, unclear

Meaning: Difficult or impossible to read (due to poor handwriting).

Common collocations: illegible handwriting, illegible text, illegible document, illegible signature

Example sentence: I am sorry for my illegible handwriting.


Lenient (adj.)


Synonyms: Permissive, tolerant, easy-going

Meaning: Not as strict or severe, as we would expect.

Common collocations: lenient approach, lenient punishment, lenient parent, lenient teacher

Example sentence: Sometimes I am accused of being a bit too lenient with my children.


Mediocre (adj.)


Synonyms: Average, ordinary, second rate

Meaning: Not very good.

Common collocations: mediocre performance, mediocre result, mediocre quality, mediocre student

Example sentence: The film's plot is rather predictable and the performance is mediocre.

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