Discrepancy, Meticulous, Ubiquitous, Intractable - Advanced vocabulary


Discrepancy (n.)


Synonyms: Difference, inconsistency, disparity

Meaning: A lack of agreement or consistency between two or more things, typically referring to differences or inconsistencies in facts, figures, or statements.

Common collocations: glaring discrepancy, minor discrepancy, discrepancy between, discrepancy in

Example sentence: Despite the discrepancy in our paths, our hearts remained intertwined with the threads of shared memories.


Meticulous (adj.)


Synonyms: Thorough, precise, careful

Meaning: Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise about small details.

Common collocations: meticulous planning, meticulous attention, meticulous care, meticulous work

Example sentence: In every brushstroke, her meticulous attention to detail mirrored the depth of her love, turning mere canvas into a masterpiece of sentiment.


Ubiquitous (adj.)


Synonyms: Omnipresent, pervasive, widespread

Meaning: Present, or found everywhere.

Common collocations: ubiquitous presence, ubiquitous technology, ubiquitous nature, ubiquitous use

Example sentence: Kindness seemed ubiquitous in this town, spreading like sunshine on a cloudy day.


Intractable (adj.)


Synonyms: Stubborn, unmanageable, unruly

Meaning: Difficult to manage, control, or deal with.

Common collocations: intractable problem, intractable disease, intractable conflict, intractable situation

Example sentence: We are facing an intractable problem.

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