TESL Diploma from Canadian College of Educators
Delighted to share that I've completed the TESL Diploma program at the Canadian College of Educators with a Grade "A". Gained some valuable insights into Theoretical Issues, Linguistics, Language Structure and Skills, TESL Methodology, and more. The 50 hours of practicum were challenging but undoubtedly worthwhile.
Audacity: A Tool for the ESL Classroom
Interactive Phonemic Chart
Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLBs)
My second-language acquisition experience
My personal experience of second language acquisition (SLA) is divided into three stages: initial (1996-2000), intensive (2001-2003), and progressive (2004-2023). Throughout these stages, I have studied English as a second language (L2) using various methods and techniques, the majority of which have been related to the Task-based and Communicative learning approaches. Most significant and notable results in my SLA have been achieved in times when I felt high levels of stress caused by lack of sufficient command of L2, fear of failure and sense of responsibility. In this essay, I aim to briefly describe my SLA experience and what conclusions I draw from it.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
List of popular Teaching and Learning Strategies in ESL.
"Mama’s adorable friend" by Marina Kurishko
My mama has a gorgeous girlfriend. Her name is Natalia. They studied together with their third friend Luba at school and they have been friends for all their lives.
“When” + Past Simple + Past Simple vs. Past Continuous vs. Past Perfect
Изменение значения предложения с использованием разных времен (Past Simple vs. Past Continuous vs. Past Perfect) в конструкции “When” + Past Simple.
Рассматриваем разницу между предложениями-примерами:
- "When Max arrived, I made a cake." = Past Simple + Past Simple.
- "When Max arrived, I was making a cake." = Past Simple + Past Continuous.
- "When Max arrived, I had made a cake." = Past Simple + Past Perfect.
Happy New Year!
The past year has had its fair share of challenges. I guess, we all have had our ups and downs, wins and failures. To some extent, these experiences have shaped who we are today and, perhaps, will also affect who we're going to be in the future.
I wish the things you go through next year will bring out the best in you. I wish you find a way and courage to reveal your true and distinctive beauty. May this new year be filled with mental calm, inner peace, deep sense of security and ubreakable hope.
Happy New Year!
The Little seed’s life by Marina Kurishko
Once upon a time, a Little seed woke up in a dark place and thought, “Why am I sitting here? Is this place my home or is there something more interesting in the World, than to observe worms and moles that crawl around?”
English Language Practice
Практические задания по грамматике, вокабуляру, аудированию, чтению, разговору и письму на четырех уровнях - начальном, ниже среднего, среднем и выше среднего.