Teaching and Learning Strategies

Activity-based strategies

- Activity/Learning Centres
- Carousel
- Debate
- Field Trip
- Game
- Oral Presentation
- Panel Discussion
- Rehearsal / Repetition / Practice
- Retelling
- Simulation
- Survey

Arts-based strategies

- Ceremony
- Chanting
- Choral Reading
- Choreography
- Collage
- Docudrama
- Forum Theatre
- Improvisation
- Mask Making
- Puppetry
- Reader’s Theatre
- Role Playing
- Sketching to Learn
- Story Theatre
- Storyboard
- Tableau

Cooperative strategies

- Buddy System
- Collaborative Teaching
- Community Links
- Conflict Resolution
- Discussion
- Interview
- Jigsaw
- Literature Circles
- Mentoring
- Numbered Heads
- Peer Practice
- Peer Teaching
- Round Robin
- Round Table
- Think/Pair/Share

Direct instruction strategies

- Advance Organizer
- Book Talks
- Cloze
- Conferencing
- Demonstration
- Directed Reading- Thinking Activities
- Expository Text Frames
- Flash Cards
- Guest Speaker
- Guided Exploration
- Guided Reading
- Guided Writing
- Lecture
- Making Words
- Mnemonic Devices
- Practice and Drill
- Programmed Learning
- Prompt
- Read Along
- Read Aloud
- Reciprocal Teaching
- Review
- Seminar/Tutorial
- Socratic Dialogue
- Story Mapping
- Storytelling
- Task Cards
- Textbook
- Visual Stimuli
- Visualization
- Word Cycle
- Word Sort
- Word Wall
- Workbook/Work Sheets

Independent learning strategies

- Homework
- Independent Reading
- Independent Study
- Learning Contract
- Learning Log/Journal
- Memorization
- Note Making
- Portfolio
- Reading Response Memorization
- Note Making
- Portfolio
- Reading Response
- Reflection
- Report
- Response Journal

Inquiry and research models

- Cognitive Skills Model
- Decision-Making Models
- Historical/ Geographic Inquiry
- Inquiry Process
- Mathematical Problem Solving
- Problem-Based Models
- Questioning Process
- Research Process
- Scientific Method
- Technical Design Process
- Writing Process

Learning styles

- Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
- Interpersonal Intelligence
- Intrapersonal Intelligence
- Logical- Mathematical Intelligence
- Musical-Rhythmic Intelligence
- Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence
- Visual-Spatial Intelligence

Technology / media-based applications

- Communication Applications
- Computer-Aided Design (CAD)
- Computer-Assisted Instruction
- Database Applications
- Email Applications
- Graphic Applications
- Internet Technologies
- Media Presentation
- Media Production
- Multimedia Applications
- On-line Public Access Catalogues
- Spreadsheet Applications
- Time-Management Applications

Thinking skills strategies

- Analysing Bias/ Stereotype
- Anticipation Guide
- Brainstorming
- Case Study
- Classifying
- Concept Clarification
- Concept Mapping
- Estimating
- Experimenting
- Expressing Another Point of View
- Fair Test
- Graphing
- IDEAL Problem Solving
- Issue-Based Analysis
- Lateral Thinking
- Manipulatives
- Map Making
- Media Analysis
- Mental Calculation
- Metacognitive Reflection
- Mind Map
- Model Making
- Oral Explanation
- Problem Posing
- Problem Solving
- Process Notes
- Semantic Feature Analysis
- Seriation
- Statistical Analysis
- Think Aloud
- Visual/Graphic Organizers
- Writing to Learn

Advanced English Vocabulary - One Minute Videos on YouTube

Proceed to the list of Advanced English Vocabulary.

Comparative Adjectives (01)

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