Relative Pronouns. Ответы

Choose one of the following relative pronouns who, which or whose

1. I talked to the man _whose_ car had broken down.

2. Ivan, _who_ is a taxi driver, lives here.

3. We often visit our aunt in Zhytomir _which_ is in the central Ukraine.

4. This is the boy _who_ comes from Rostov.

5. That's Vasya, the boy _who_ has just arrived at the station.

6. Thank you very much for your letter _which_ was very helpful.

7. The man, _whose_ father is a doctor, forgot his briefcase.

8. The children, _who_ shouted in the stadium, are not from our district.

9. The car, _whose_ driver is a young woman, is from Chernigov.

10. What did you do with the money _which_ your father gave you?

11. This is the shop _which_ was robbed yesterday.

12. The girl _who_ drove the car was nervous.

13. She didn't see the traffic lights _which_ were red.

14. A police officer stopped the car _which_ was parked at the next corner.

15. The man _who_ gave her the money was young.


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