Choose the correct reflexive pronouns
myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
1. Ivan took this photo _himself_.
2. Nina did the homework _herself_.
3. We helped _ourselves_ to some cake at the party.
4. Vera, did you paint _yourself_?
5. I wrote this novel _myself_.
6. He cut _himself_ with the knife by accident.
7. The tiger can defend _itself_.
8. My grandmother often talks to _herself_.
9. Alex and Maxim, if you want more coffee, help _yourselves_.
10. They assembled the desk _themselves_.
Fill in the correct reflexive pronouns
1. I did not want to believe it and then I saw God _myself_.
2. The girl looked at _herself_ in the photo.
3. Ivan, you'll have to do the homework _yourself_.
4. You don't need to help them. They will do it _themselves_.
5. I introduced _myself_ to my new colleague.
6. Can you make your bed _yourself_?
7. She cooked _herself_ a cake.
8. What happens when a parrot sees _itself_ in the mirror?
9. The father decided to repair the computer _himself_.
10. We can move the desk _ourselves_.
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