Possessive pronoun. Ответы Упражнения по грамматике

Replace the personal pronouns with possessive pronouns

1. This laptop is (you) _yours_ .

2. The book is (I) _mine_.

3. The black car is (we) _ours_.

4. The watch is (she) _hers_.

5. We met Ivan and Clara yesterday. This house is (they) _theirs_.

6. The bag is (he) _his_.

7. The paintings are (she) _hers_.

8. There is a bird in our garden. The nest is (it) _its_.

9. This dog is (we) _ours_.

10. This hasn't been not my fault. It's been (you) _yours_.

Fill in the gaps

1. That pen belongs to those kids. That pen is _theirs_.

2. This scooter belongs to my neighbor Vasya. This scooter is _his_.

3. This hat belongs to my aunt Vera. This hat is _hers_.

4. This plant belongs to you. This plant is _yours_.

5. This apartment belongs to me and my family. This apartment is _ours_.

6. These flowers belong to my mother. These flowers are _hers_.

7. Those photos belong to my sister's friends. Those photos are _theirs_.

8. These tickets belong to you and your wife. These tickets are _yours_.

9. That suitcase belongs to me. That suitcase is _mine_.

10. That desk belongs to my aunt and uncle. That desk is _theirs_.


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