Quantifiers (Квантификаторы)

1. Обведите правильные варианты.

1. There aren’t / isn’t any cars in the road.

2. I have a little / few apples in my bag.

3. There isn’t / aren’t any milk in my coffee.

4. There’s a lot of / few traffic here.

5. There are much / a lot of people outside.

6. I have a little / few money.

2. Заполните предложения. Используйте much, many, a lot of, a few, или a little.

1. There are ________________ French fries.

2. There’s ________________ of pizza.

3. There aren’t ________________ hamburgers.

4. There is ________________ ketchup.

5. There are only ________________ sausages.

6. There isn’t ________________ soda.

3. Напишите вопросы для предложений из упражнения 2. Используйте How much…? или How many…?

1. How many French fries are there?

2. ____________________________________?

3. ____________________________________?

4. ____________________________________?

5. ____________________________________?

6. ____________________________________?

4. Обведите правильные варианты.

1. How much / many food is in the fridge?

2. There’s a lot of / many traffic in the city.

3. I have a few / a little money.

4. There aren’t much / many cars.

5. There are a few / a little chairs in the room.

6. There isn’t some / any food in the fridge.

5. Заполните пробелы со словами ниже.

much / any / a lot of / a few / a little / many

1. There are _____________ sausages.

2. There isn’t _____________ rice.

3. There’s _____________ soda.

4. There isn’t _____________ ketchup.

5. There aren’t _____________ hamburgers.

6. There’s _____________ pizza.


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