ubject and object questions (Вопросы к подлежащему и дополнению)

Subject and object questions

1. Напишите вопросы к Подлежащему и Дополнению для ответов. Используйте who. Затем напишите S (subject/подлежащее) или O (object/дополнение).

1. Who does Katya go out with? _O_
Katya goes out with Ilya.

2. __________________________________? ___
Zina is complaining about her new job.

3. __________________________________? ___
Mom is shouting at Petr!

4. __________________________________? ___
Mariyka is tired of watching TV every day.

5. __________________________________? ___
Lusya had an argument with Ella.

6. __________________________________? ___
Anya got married to Albert.

2. Напишите вопросы к Подлежащему и Дополнению для ответов. Используйте who. Затем напишите S (subject/подлежащее) или O (object/дополнение).

1. Who is Vitya talking to? _O_
Vitya is talking to Yulya.

2. __________________________________? ___
Vitya is talking to Yulya.

3. __________________________________? ___
Valera and Vera broke up.

4. __________________________________? ___
Sophia had an argument with Toni.

5. __________________________________? ___
Artem fell in love with Antonia.

6. __________________________________? ___
Denis is going to get married to Fiona.

3. Заполните вопросы. Используйте Who или Who did.

1. ___________ you meet at the party?

2. ___________ arranged to meet Wei?

3. ___________ sent the text message?

4. ___________ you see at the cinema?

5. ___________ she walk to school with?

6. ___________ had an argument with Liang?

4. Посмотрите на диаграмму о телефонных звонках между друзьями. Обведите правильные варианты.

Sonia → Kondrat
↑ - - - - ↓
Lusya ← Sofia

1. Who did Kondrat call? - Sonia / Sofia

2. Who called Sonia? - Kondrat / Lusya

3. Who did Sofia call? - Lusya / Kondrat

4. Who called Kondrat / did Kondrat call? - Sonia

5. Who did Lusya call / called Lusya? - Sonia

5. Заполните предложения со словами ниже and правильную форму глаголы в скобках.

arranged / interested in / can’t stand / enjoys / decided / promised

1. Vitalik doesn’t like the sea. He isn’t ___________________ (learn) how to sail.

2. I hate cooking. I ___________________ (watch) cookery programs on TV.

3. Ignat loves sport. He really ___________________ (play) baseball.

4. Where is Lusyaa? I can’t believe it! She ___________________ (come) to the party!

5. Zhanna has ___________________ (buy) a new laptop.

6. I can’t help you now. I’ve ___________________ (meet) my friends.

6. Обведите ошибки и напишите предложения правильно.

1. She can’t stand watch sport on TV. _____________________________________

2. He is interested of history. _____________________________________

3. He promised for working hard. _____________________________________

4. She don’t mind walking the dog. _____________________________________

5. He keeps ask for cAnzhela. _____________________________________

6. She enjoys to cook dinner. _____________________________________

7. I arranged going to the movies with my sister. _____________________________________

8. They decided buy a new car. _____________________________________

7. Обведите правильные варианты.

1. I don’t mind to work / working on the weekend.

2. Lyosha has decided to play / playing tennis in the park this afternoon.

3. Danila doesn’t like water sports. He can’t stand to surf / surfing.

4. We are interested in to learn / learning Japanese.

5. I’ve agreed to clean / cleaning dad’s car.

8. Обведите ошибки и напишите предложения правильно.

1. I don’t mind to babysit my sister. _____________________________________

2. We enjoy to go horseback riding. _____________________________________

3. She can’t stand to watch football on TV. _____________________________________

4. She keeps ask me to help her. _____________________________________

5. They decided to cooking dinner. _____________________________________

6. He isn’t interested of going on vacation. _____________________________________

7. We promised for to help in the kitchen. _____________________________

8. They arranged going to the amusement park Tomorrow. ______________________

9. Напишите слова правильной строе.

keep / promise / expect / don’t mind / arrange / enjoy / practice / can’t stand / decide / finish

verb + to + infinitive ____________________________________________

verb + -ing ____________________________________________

10. Обведите правильные варианты.

1. I decided to stay / staying at home and not go to the concert.

2. They can’t stand to watch / watching horror movies.

3. I don’t mind to live / living on my own.

4. I’ve arranged to go / going to a party.

5. I’m not interested to go / in going to the beach today.

6. You promised to work / working hard.

11. Напишите вопросы к дополнению или ответы к вопросам.

1. ____________________________________? - Nina is shouting at Kirill.

2. ____________________________________? - Vicky is breaking up with Sasha.

3. Who is talking to Danila? - ____________________________________.

4. Who is falling in love with Roma? - ____________________________________.

5. ____________________________________? - Irma is having an argument with Maxim.

6. Who is making up with Inez? - ____________________________________.

12. Напишите слова в правильном порядке, чтобы задать вопросы к дополнению или подлежащему.

1. married / did / to / Katya / Who / get ? ____________________________________?

2. movie theater / Alexey / at / saw / the / Who ? ____________________________________?

3. called / last / Dariya / Who / night ? ____________________________________?

4. on a date / did / go / Who / Valya / with ? ____________________________________?

5. did / Alex / with / Who / break up ? ____________________________________?

13. Прочитайте утверждения. Затем напишите вопросы к дополнению или подлежащему для каждого ответа.

1. Helen got engaged to Kostya.
Q: Who got engaged to Kostya?
A: Helen.

2. Mark sent a text message to Masha.
Q: ________________________________?
A: Masha.

3. Kirill gave a painting to his wife.
Q: ________________________________?
A: Kirill.

4. Tina got divorced from Sebastian.
A: Sebastian.

5. Nastya made up with Pavel.
Q: ________________________________?
A: Pavel.


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