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Daniel | Vasiliy |
Alright, Vasiliy. I think we’ve agreed on what we need. Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty – how soon can you deliver, and how much is it going to cost? |
Ok. That is $1,500. |
Wow, as much as that? Is there any way we could bring it down a little? |
Well, that figure is based on what you said you need, Daniel. I might possibly be able to bring it down a little, but only if we had a three-year contract. |
Well, I’d be reluctant to a three-year contract unless you could guarantee a maximum down time of 4 hours per month. Could you do that? |
Let me reassure you on that point, Daniel. Our services are very, very stable and average time is less than 2 hours per year. So we are happy to guarantee less than 4 hours per month, as long as you choose our premium service level – but of course, it’s more expensive. |
Well, I don’t really want to increase the budget. Hm. What about lead time? Can you have the site up and running by next month? |
Not unless we hire another developer. I suppose we could do it, providing you paid a year’s fees in advance. |
Hm. | Normally, development time is around three months. |
Look, let’s split the difference. I can pay six months in advance on condition that you have all up and running in one month and a half. And if you can bring the monthly fee down 5% and include the premium service, I’ll agree to the three-year contract. | You are a though negotiator, Daniel. But OK, I think we can agree to that. |
It’s a deal! | Yes, that’s right. I just happen to have a bottle of champagne in my bag here. So, if you can just sign here, here and here, we can celebrate your new e-business! |