⭐ Direct Method: Emphasizes the use of the target language in the classroom from the very beginning. It focuses on oral communication and uses real-life situations to teach language.
⭐ Communicative Language Teaching (CLT): This method focuses on communication as the goal of language learning. It emphasizes real-life situations and interaction in the classroom, often through pair and group activities.
⭐ Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT): TBLT focuses on the completion of meaningful tasks as the central unit of teaching. Language is learned through performing tasks, and the focus is on meaning rather than form.
Content-Based Instruction (CBI): This method integrates language learning with the learning of other content areas such as science or history. Language is learned through the subject matter being taught.
The Silent Way: Developed by Caleb Gattegno, this method emphasizes learner autonomy and discovery. The teacher remains silent for much of the lesson, and students are encouraged to discover language rules themselves.
Total Physical Response (TPR): Developed by James Asher, this method uses physical movement to teach language. Students respond to commands given by the teacher, and language is learned through action.
⭐ Community Language Learning (CLL): CLL is based on the idea of language learning as a collaborative process. The teacher acts as a facilitator, and learners work together to develop language skills.
Suggestopedia: Developed by Georgi Lozanov, this method emphasizes a relaxed, comfortable learning environment. It incorporates music, art, and visualization techniques to reduce anxiety and facilitate language learning.
Grammar-Translation Method: Focuses on teaching grammar rules and vocabulary through translation exercises. It's often criticized for its lack of focus on speaking and listening skills.
Audio-Lingual Method: This method is based on behaviorist theory and focuses on drilling of grammatical structures through repetition and mimicry. It heavily uses audio recordings for practice.