Большинство из них были написаны в течение одного часа - 60 мин. - именно столько обычно дается времени на выполнение данного задания. Многие из нас часто не осознают, насколько талантливыми и творческими мы являемся.

Nataliya P.

This song "I have a hole in my heart" was written by Nataliya P. as a part of language course study.

Nataliya V.

This song was written by one of the students of the Language Studio "english4real", Nataliya V. The song is called "I wake up in the morning".

Anna T.


Irina C.


Svetlana C.


Anna B.


Pavel R . & Nikolay Z.

26.04.2010 | Intermediate

Marta S.

26.04.2010 | Intermediate

Dmitriy V.

04.2010 | Intermediate

Alexander A.

04.2010 | Upper-Intermediate

Katherine R.

This is an unusual autumn,
The weather is so naughty,
Sometimes it’s really rainy, the other day it’s really sunny.

There is steal green grass everywhere, but already yellow leaves are there,
It isn’t a winter yet,
Neither it’s summer…

This is an autumn…
An unusual autumn.(2times)

Rubber boots are hit of the season,
Then sandals – cause the sun is risen,
So weather is so naughty
In this an unusual autumn.

There is steal green grass everywhere, but already yellow leaves are there,
It isn’t a winter yet,
Neither it’s summer…

This is an autumn…
An unusual autumn.(2times)

Today I feel like shining and people around are smiling,
And it doesn’t really matter if the weather’s getting better.

There is steal green grass everywhere, but already yellow leaves are there,
It isn’t a winter yet,
Neither it’s summer…

This is an autumn…
An unusual autumn.(2times)

Lilia M.

The song is called "I want to have a good day".

Andrey R.


I dreamed I grew a money tree
outside in my yard.
My job was to care for it
and I worked very hard.

I saw that it was watered.
It grew so straight and tall
and when the money ripened
I picked it in the fall.

The flowers were green dollar bills,
the seeds inside were coins,
and others grew and glittered
where all the branches joined.

On windy days I stood below
and held a great big bucket.
Other days I climbed right up
to find one ripe and pluck it.

People say that money
doesn't really grow on trees.
I know. I only wish it did
just like in my dreams.

The Money Tree (Children) by J. Heck (modified by M. Achkasov)

3.Song "People Work"

Contributors Lyrics by Andy Henley and Tym King
Modified by Maksym Achkasov

Nigel Naylor, he's a tailor
He makes some suits and shirts
Penny Proctor, she's a doctor
Comes to you when it hurts.

Petya Palmer, he's a farmer
He's got some pigs and sheep
Wendy Witter, babysitter
Minds the kids asleep.

People work in the country
People work in the town
People work day and night
To make the world go round.

Mabel Meacher, language teacher
Teaches French and Greek
Gary Gummer, he's a plumber
Call him when you've got a leak.

Patty Prentice, she's a dentist
Keeps your teeth clean and neat
Ronnie Ryman, he's a fireman
Comes when there's a fire to fight.

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