Песни на английском для детей

Песни на английском для детей - Список ссылок

01. Being Healthy

Песни на английском для детей - Being Healthy

Children song: Being healthy

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

Performed by the teacher and students at the Language Studio English4real.

Mum says I have to brush my teeth
In the morning and at night.
They look and taste much better
But I hate it when she’s right.

Dad says I have to take a bath
And wash my body well.
I do feel nice and clean and fresh
But now he’s right as well!

My brother says I have to wash
My hands to keep them clean.
He’s right, my fingers feel so good
Without dirt in between.

My sister says I have to eat
Some vegetables each day.
She’s right, I have more energy
To run and walk and play.

I feel more healthy and I’ve got
Much better teeth and skin.
Don’t tell them that I think they’re right –
I hate it when they win!

02. Circle of friends

Песни на английском для детей - Circle of friends

Children song: Circle of friends

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

Why do we call it a circle of friends?
The reason is it always bends.
The shape won’t change with someone new
If there are many or just a few.

A circle is strong, it can shrink or grow
As you meet new people you’d like to know
Or lose a friend in a silly fight
There are others there; it will be all right.

A circle never runs out of space
Come and go, there’ll be a place.
A gap can close and open again
To be filled by you, no matter when.

There’s always room for another one
Another person to share the fun
Another person who you can share
Your feelings with, who will always care.

Inside the circle, the space is free
To play with one or two or three.
Skates and scooters, books and toys
To share with different girls and boys.

Other shapes have angles and lines
You really can’t change those designs.
Bend like the circle, make it wide
You’ll find a world of friends inside.

03. Collections

Песни на английском для детей - Collections

Children song: Collections

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

Look at my collection!
Stickers everywhere
This one’s of a penguin
That one’s of a bear
Here’s a red tomato
With funny wobbly eyes.
I’ve got lots of stickers
In every different size!

Look at my collection!
Postcards on my wall
This one’s from Australia
That one’s from Nepal
Here’s one from my aunt that
She sent from Singapore.
Even though I’ve got lots
I’d like to get some more!

Look at my collection!
Key rings on a chain
This one’s like a football
That one is from Spain
Here’s a plastic spider
Good for scaring Dad.
I don’t have any keys but
That doesn’t make me sad!

Look at my collection!
I love cuddly toys
This one is my teddy
That one makes a noise
Here’s a birthday dragon
My mother bought last year.
I can’t see my bed but
I’m glad my toys are near!

Look at my collection!
Magnets on the fridge
This one’s from a funfair
That one’s of London Bridge
Here’s one of the seaside
It’s from a tiny shop.
Now the fridge door’s heavy
But I’ll never ever stop!

04. Different families

Песни на английском для детей - Different families

Children song: Different families

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

Let’s meet some families
Like some you might know.
Some families might shrink
And some families might grow.

Here is Lee’s family
His mum is the one
Who helps with his homework
Who gets it all done.

She keeps their house clean and
Reads stories at night
She works as a lawyer
She makes bad things right.

Here is Jade’s family
Her dad is the man.
She knows that he’s always
Her number-one fan.

He’s there when she wakes up
And when she makes noise
He cooks yummy food and
He fixes her toys.

Here’s Jo and Sam’s family
Their granny’s the one
Who feeds them and clothes them
Who makes their home fun.

Although she’s retired
There’s still lots to do.
She makes sure they study
And exercise too.

Here are some families
Yours might be like theirs.
They fight for you, help you
And everyone shares.

But it doesn’t matter
How many or few.
The thing that’s important
Is that they love you.

05. Do you ever wonder?

Песни на английском для детей - Do you ever wonder?

Children song: Do you ever wonder?

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

Do you ever wonder why a mole can’t see
Or a snake can’t sing or a fish can’t walk?
Do you ever wonder why a snail can’t talk?
Do you wonder what it’s like to be me?

Do you ever wonder why a goose can’t ski
Or a dog can’t write or a hen can’t hop?
Do you ever wonder why a shark can’t stop?
Do you ever wonder what it’s like to be me?

Do you ever wonder why a cow can moo
Or a seal can clap or a goat can bleat?
Do you ever wonder why a bird can tweet?
Do you ever think of things that I can do?

Do you ever think I’m not the same as you
Or show that in the things you say?
Well, I can think of lots of games that we can play.
Why don’t we think of things that we can do?

06. Dreams

Песни на английском для детей - Dreams?

Children song: Dreams

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

Last night I flew in outer space
I flew so fast and far.
An alien spaceship tried to chase
Me round a shining star.

Last night I had a pair of wings
But still I couldn’t fly.
I had to watch as other things
Like chairs went floating by!

Last night I helped a dragon with
A roar that had no fire.
I gave it chilli peppers
And watched the flames shoot higher.

Last night I found some magic shoes
Which made me feel so tall.
I jumped so high I couldn’t lose
When I played basketball.

Last night I painted my whole town
In yellow, blue and red.
It looked as if a circus clown
Had coloured it instead.

Each night I curl up in my bed
Excited to find out
What I will be inside my head
What my Dreams will be about.

07. Favourite places

Песни на английском для детей - Favourite places?

Children song: Favourite places

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

Maybe it’s a tree with winter snow
Or green leaves in the summertime
Branches for swinging and pulling on
And seeing how high you can climb.

Maybe it’s a beach with yellow sand
And waves that splash on the shore
Boats you can wave to as they go by
And a brighter sun than before.

Maybe it’s a garden with grass and trees
And a path that winds all around
A swing and a sandpit for you to use
And flowers all over the ground.

Maybe it’s your kitchen, warm and safe
Where everyone meets each day
They cook and eat and laugh and chat
And share all that happened today.

Maybe yours is different from all these
A shop or a train or a zoo.
All that you need in a favourite place
Is that it is perfect for you.

08. Going to school

Песни на английском для детей - Going to school?

Children song: Going to school

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

I came to school on a zebra today
And my friends all laughed at me.
It must have looked quite funny
But my zebra ride was free.

My friend arrived on a tricycle
She thought she might be late.
But her legs were strong from cycling
And she whizzed straight through the gate.

Another came in a hot air balloon
He was the earliest to arrive.
He’d floated above a traffic jam
Of cars which had to drive.

Next came the children on the bus
Who were talking all together.
The bus arrives on time each day
In every kind of weather.

My best friend walked, as he always does
At the same time every day.
He met some others on the path
And they chatted all the way.

Last were the children who came by car
Arriving one by one.
It took a long time and the cars in the queue
All let their engines run.

There are so many ways to get to school
And shops and parks for fun.
But the ways that are free and healthy
Are the best for everyone.

09. It’s easy to click

Песни на английском для детей - It’s easy to click?

Children song: It’s easy to click

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

It’s easy to click when you’re browsing
As nobody knows who you are.
The world is right there to discover
So funny and cool and bizarre.

But you click on a link and it opens
A picture you wish wasn’t there
And now you can’t seem to delete it.
You’re not in charge, it’s just not fair.

If anything gives you that feeling
In your stomach that something is wrong
Then don’t be afraid, tell your parents.
To tell the truth shows that you’re strong.

I know that you think they’ll be angry
I know that you’re scared they’ll be mad
But they’ll be so glad that you told them
About something which you knew was bad.

10. Moving house

Песни на английском для детей - Moving house?

Children song: Moving house

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

Fill the boxes, open the van
Put them in the back.
When you move from house to house
There is so much to pack!

Clothes and shoes and toys and books
Find and grab and fold.
Don’t forget a single thing
Even if it’s old.

Under beds, on top of desks
More things over there!
Next to lamps, behind the door
Please check everywhere!

Say goodbye to ceilings, walls
Windows and the floor.
Remember all the good times here
Before you close the door.

In your new house there will be
New places to explore.
But best of all you’ll have with you
The things that you adore.

No matter where you stay or live
No matter where you roam
Your family and the things you love
All make a house your home.

11. Neighbourhood

Песни на английском для детей - Neighbourhood?

Children song: Neighbourhood

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

The streets where you live are special places
Every day brings friendly faces
Children to play with, adults you know
Who watch and help you as you grow.

So what can you do to keep it this way
A place that’s happy and safe to play?
How can you help to keep it so good
For those who live in your neighbourhood?

Some older people can feel left out
When they need a hand just to get about.
You could help them use the internet
Or do their shopping if it’s not done yet.

Some children might have problems in class
Get stressed when there are exams to pass.
You could help them understand a tricky part
Or show them a way to make a start.

Some streets get messy with litter around
Where people just throw things on the ground.
You and your friends could make a bin
For people to put recycling in.

We could do lots, let’s start today!
Visit a nursing home, sweep leaves away
Collect old clothes for a charity store.
There are so many ways to help others more.

That’s what you can do to keep it this way
A place that’s happy and safe to play.
You have the power to keep it good
And help people in your neighbourhood.

12. New boy

Песни на английском для детей - New boy?

Children song: New boy

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

A blue boy started school today
He’s sitting next to Jude
And everybody looked at him
Although we know that’s rude.

I wondered why his skin was blue
So different from mine
I wondered if it bothered him
But he seemed to like it fine.

And suddenly my classroom seemed
A more exciting place
A bigger world was coming in
With a different kind of face.

I spoke to him at morning break
Although I felt quite shy
I thought that he would like a friend
If I was new, I’d cry!

And then I saw him staring too
His eyes were wide and round
Just because we have long tails
Which trail along the ground.

I think we’re going to be good friends
We seem to think the same
About a lot of different things
And we even share a name!

13. Picnic

Песни на английском для детей - Picnic?

Children song: Picnic

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

What will we pack for our picnic?
Let’s have some fruit and sweets
Let’s have some crisps and sandwiches
Let’s have some cheese and meats!

Where will we have our picnic?
Let’s go to the park
Let’s go to the playground
Let’s have it in the dark!

Who will come to our picnic?
Let’s go with someone fun
Let’s go with Granny and Grandad
Let’s go with everyone!

Oh no! Look at our picnic!
We packed it upside down
The ants ate all the biscuits
The fruit has all gone brown!

Oh no! Look at our picnic!
The park is closed today
Now Granny Sally’s sneezing
And the sun has gone away!

But oh, we love a picnic!
And when we see the sun
We’ll pack our picnic basket
And try another one!

14. Try to be kind

Песни на английском для детей - Try to be kind?

Children song: Try to be kind

Author of poem: Gillian Craig

It’s good to share your toys and games
With friends, even if you mind.
But if you don’t want to share today
You should still try to be kind.

It’s good to say sorry if you’re wrong
And you’ll feel better, you’ll find.
But if you don’t want to say sorry yet
You should still try to be kind.

It’s good to forgive when you feel hurt
Even if someone’s been unkind.
But if you don’t want to listen yet
You should still try to be kind.

It’s hard to feel you’re not doing well
Or you wish you could press rewind.
But the most important thing is this,
You should still try to be kind.

15. Everything is going to be alright

Песни на английском для детей - Everything is going to be alright?

Sometimes I get a little angry.
When I can’t find my favorite toy.
Sometimes I get a little angry.
When I can’t find my favorite toy.

Then I stop. I close my eyes.
And take a deep breath.
‘Cause everything is going to be alright.

Sometimes I get a little scared.
When my Mommy turns out the light.
Sometimes I get a little scared.
When my Mommy turns out the light.

Sometimes I get a little shy.
When I meet somebody new.
Sometimes I get a little shy.
When I meet somebody new.

Sometimes I get a little sad.
When I say goodbye to my friends.
Sometimes I get a little sad.
When I say goodbye to my friends.

When I’m feeling angry.
When I’m feeling scared.
When I’m feeling shy.
Or when I’m feeling sad.
I stop. I close my eyes.
And take a deep breath.
‘Cause everything is going to be alright.

16. This is me

Песни на английском для детей - This is me

This is my head.
These are my eyes.
This is my nose.
These are my ears.

This is my mouth.
These are my teeth.
This is my chin.
These are my cheeks.

Sing along with me.
La, la, la, la, la.
Jump along with me.
La, la, la, la, la.
Say along with me.
La, la, la, la, la.
Move along with me.
La, la, la, la, la.
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